Anybody shoot CMP/bullseye matches that uses a Beretta 9mm


New member
Looking for somebody that shoots these matches. I have a few questions about equipment and ammo and would love to pick your brain for a moment,

Really interested in knowing what bullet weight you are using for 50 yard?
Recoil spring. Stock or different weight?

I've asked a few questions on the bullseye forum and not many people (if any) use Beretta's and I've pretty much gotten nowhere over there, thought I would try here.

Sorry to see that you have had no response.
I have shot the EIC "Leg" matches for Distinguished Pistol and also for Distinguished Revolver. Still working on both.
I do not use a 9mm. I use a .45 for one and a .38 for the other.
Others, however, do use 9mms....the USAMU uses the Beretta 92...and has a team of armorers to keep those pistols running. may use either 115 grain or 124 grain bullets.

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I have heard that a number of military team shooters prefer the 147 grain in 9mm because starts out sub-sonic. The 115s and 124 start at super sonic velocity (over 1080 fps at sea level) and may lose enough velocity to transition to sub-sonic before 50 yards. The "trans-sonic" point where the shift occurs can create turbulence on the bullet that may alter it's flight path and impact point.

A bullet that starts sub-sonic suffers no such potential problems, and some feel it delivers better 50 yard accuracy, while giving nothing away at 25 yards.

I shoot action pistol games today (although I spent some years on Navy pistol teams in the past) and probably burn 20,000+ 9mm annually. I prefer the 147grain 9mm, but for it's softer recoil impulse and lack of a 'sonic crack' sound when it leaves the barrel.

Just a thought. But, one of the most accurate factory rounds I have seen in several different makes of 9mm handgun has been the Federal 147 grain American Eagle. It seems to produce smaller groups at any range than the 115/124 loads.

Just a thought and I hope it helps.
rules about ammo

CMP rulebook
Section 6.6.2 - Pistol ammunition

"9 mm Pistol. Competitors with 9 mm pistols may use any safe
ammunition with 115 to 125 grain, full metal jacket, round nosed bullets"

No 147s.

Sorry for my mistake. My info was dated and applied to NRA Outdoor Pistol, and UIT matches. I am not familiar with CMP rules. But, given that quote I would say go with the one (115 or 124) that delivers the best 50 yard groups.

I think I can see why CMP outlawed 147, although I fail to understand the logic.

I use an M9 which has a KKM barrel fitted using standard recoil spring.
I am pretty sure the mainspring was changed to get the trigger weight as close to 4# and keep it legal.

I use Sierra tournament master 115gr fmj over 4.8 gr VV-N340.
Also shoot Atlanta Arms 115gr AMU loads.

Reason I shoot the M9 over the 1911 for the EIC/ hardball matches is that the M9 fits my hand better and also broke my wrist years ago and it is fused and screwed together and cannot shoot the .45 hardball loads one handed without a lot of discomfort.

I do have 30 points accumulated but I need a hard leg to get my badge.

I keep seeing lower velocities and think I need to try that out and see how things end up.

Mainspring and trigger spring have been changed out and trigger pull is considerably lighter and according to my trigger gauge still competition legal.

I did snag a slightly heavier recoil spring to see if that would help tighten up the accuracy and it did to a point. Like I said, seems like everybody is shooting a much lower velocity than what I am running so I think that's the next thing I need to work on.

I shoot highpower rifle and finding a load that was accurate for that was easy, this pistol thing is ALOT harder than I imagined.

I just joined this forum recently and came accross your thread. I do shoot an M9 as well as a 1911. From the sound of your question, it seems like you are using a fairly stock M9/92. From what I know about the M9 is that is is pretty difficult to get one to perform. The one I use is custom built by MCP. The first issue you run into is the stock Beretta barrel's rate of twist. The best results are had with the KKM 1:32 barrels. Long term, the gun should be built with some sort of rail system so the steel slide rides on steel and not the stock aluminum frame. The trigger can be made to break nicely but that's probably the easiest part for a gunsmith to do. I believe the recoil spring is probably different but I wasn't the original owner that had my gun built so had no input at that time.
With mine, I load a Zero 115 gr bullet with 5.0 Vhitavouri N330. I never ransom rested it, but I shot back to back 94 and 90 slow fires (50 yd) during my first trial with it. I deemed that to be sufficient. I bought the gun with some Atlanta Arms Match Ammo. My loads perform better in my gun so that is what I use. Until now, you were restricted to 115 or 124 gr. CMP just announced they are changing some of the rules for this year. The ammunition no longer needs to mimic military ball. They also opened it up to other pistol types that are duty type weapons. You also get a couple more chances per year to shoot matches.
For me, I kind of like the older equipment rules so I will likely still shoot those guns and ammo for the foreseeable future.
When I switched to the M9, I had hoped to gain some points at the short line. Ironically, I did better at 50 yds but lost points at 25. Go figure. I currently shoot either one 260-270. I got my first 20 points with the 1911 and my last 12 with the M9. I just legged out in June of 2014 so it's all for fun from here on out.
Good luck to you. You will be very proud of yourself when you get that medal. I know I was..
