Anybody play paintball????

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I was playing religiously every week a few years ago but then my son came along and I didn't really have time to get out there anymore. I sold most of my equipment and just haven't had the opportunity or time to do it since.

It's hella fun though..
^^ thats why the "proper" name for it is a marker, not a gun. Well, according to most people who play.

I play speedball.
i do i play woodball and scenario games. i play every week for about 3 hours in the 100 degree weather... when i am not at the range i am paintballing. i might have to slow down on paintballing because it eats my ammo money and vice versa. some of the guns(marker) cost about the same as a real gun. expensive.
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Used to... But it become too "gamey" and I put the marker away. I like sneaking through the brush with the best of 'em, but when it started boiling down to who could throw the most paint the fastest I lost a lot of interest.
When I was into it big time, I played tournaments and scenario ball. In fact, I took a team to the Police/Fire Olympics. We placed 9th overall. Not too shabby.

I just sold my Nasty Impulse and STO Autococker. Right now, I roll out with a modded Tippmann A5, with electro-trigger. My next marker is going to be an Angel Fly of some sort.
Used to play. Still have my automag around here somewhere. Its just so . . . . danged expensive. Seriously, it was getting to be 50 bucks a day.
Kamicosmos wrote:

I still have my Tippman Pro-Light out in the garage.

Me too. I can't believe how much money I spent on every single mod you could get for it at the time. I think every concievable working piece has been modded or upgraded. It USED to be the top gun in its day. Really bummed me out when they made you chrono in at 300fps for tourney play. :)

Now its not even as good as some of the rental guns. :(

But with my current physical probs, its impossible to play anymore. I still have goggles, masks, cases of balls, all kinds of stuff around here.

We even went to a local welding shop and got a HUGE used acetalyne (sp?) tank and kept it filled with co2, and had all the hookups to fill all size bottles. We still have that too.
I went only once. Too bad I don't have time for it again. It sure was a lot of fun. But man o man. There are a lot of adults (?) out there in the field who are a little...too into it. Act almost like these "militia" (?) nuts.
I saw a vid of a guy who had some deal like a muzzle break on the end of his setup that would make the paintball curve in all directions depending on where he twisted the muzzle break doohicky. He was able to hit things that were behind trees and such by making it curve around.

I thought that was pretty neat - but kind of cheating!
I saw a vid of a guy who had some deal like a muzzle break on the end of his setup that would make the paintball curve in all directions depending on where he twisted the muzzle break doohicky. He was able to hit things that were behind trees and such by making it curve around.

BT makes something like that, I would consider it cheating. Unless everyone had one. :D
Yea that thing is based on the original flatline barrel. Good to see that the technology has improved cus that original flatline was a pain in the butt to install on a Tippman 98.
Well, I've been lurking on this site for a week now I figure I might as well post something.

Paintball is a great game! The woods games and scenarios where you have to stalk or out-maneuver your opponents make for fantastic fun. Its healthy too. Knowing you will get a big welt when hit really adds to the motivation to move. The only thing I don't like about paintball is speedball. No offense to anyone who may like it, but that has got to be the worst way to play. Its mostly twitch with little strategy.

Hey MRex21, thanks for the link. I have been looking for a non-speedball field reasonabley close to the bay area. I will have to check that out some time.
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