Anybody out there in CT?

Dave B

New member

A proposed Connecticut law (SB1167) would allow seizure of a citizen's guns upon simple
complaint by any two persons in direct contravention of the 2nd Amendment. The citizen
did not have to commit any crime. Section 9 of the bill states:

Sec. 9. (NEW) (a) Upon complaint on oath by any state's attorney or
assistant state's attorney or by any two credible persons, to any judge of
the Superior Court, that such state's attorney or persons, after
investigation, have probable cause to believe that (1) a person poses a risk
of imminent personal injury to himself or herself or to other individuals, (2)
such person possesses one or more firearms, and (3) such firearm or
firearms are within or upon any place, thing or person, such judge may
issue a warrant commanding a proper officer to enter into or upon such
place or thing, search the same or the person and take into such officer's
custody any and all firearms.

There's nothing I can say.

From the Progressive Review, 5/11/99.

If this passes, start by calling in on the proponents of this law. However, if they are in collusion with the cops, nothing will come out of it.
Yup, Dave, I'm in CT - have already sent letters regarding this bill, as well. Haven't seen anything further on the status of it, though....
