Anybody notice the hidden messages in certain TV shows, anti gun & maybe some pro gun.


New member
One of the other threads hinted at this sort of stuff and it's something I've noticed in the last year or so, maybe has been going on for a long time.

Take certain cable TV shows, ie Designated Survivor - they demonize guns in certain episodes, the "good guys" are for gun control like the main character US president in the show, the "bad guys" are against it...

Banshee recently on a episode someone got arrested because he had a bunch of black rifles in his basement, no explanation provided or anything as to what was illegal about it (same sort of stuff many here probably have in their safe :) ).. Same show someone was arrested and sent to jail for illegal possession of a firearm - a pistol, again no further backstory to it was simply called illegal, hmmmm. Whole thing takes place out in the boonies in the show, a place where people typically would own guns. It's like they are trying to get people used to the idea that guns are bad.

Then you take something like The Walking Dead - my guess, those people who produce it are pro gun. Large parts of the show have been about who has guns, where you can get guns, and the whole general idea is you better have a whole bunch of guns & ammo not just for the zombies but for the bad guys who will try to do bad things when society falls apart, you gotta protect *yourself* and all that sorta stuff. They could've created the show much differently but to me I think they are taking the liberty to get their message across too.
"The Walking Dead" in one of the seasons, one of the characters refers to the woman's handgun as having a "limited capacity magazine" which surprised me. However, I don't think the message really resonates with gun controllers because their argument would be that, "Sure, if society falls completely apart and there is a big zombie takeover, then people having guns is fine, but otherwise no." When they go into the happy-go-lucky town in one of the later seasons with the female mayor, her rule is that you have to check your guns into a central armory, that you can't carry them around with you.

"Desperate Housewives" had some very pro-gun stuff. It was made by a gay Republican I think. The character Bree is super pro-gun and hardcore Republican (sadly the actress herself is very pro-gun control).

And "The Good Wife" went out of its way to present both sides of the argument, having a very smart, moral guy named Kurt McVeigh (yeah his last name's being the same as the terrorist is mentioned in the show itself) who is extremely pro-gun, and causes a stir because he dates the super liberal female attorney Dianne Lockheart.
You can go back as far as Angel and the Badman with John Wayne One of the last lines in the movie " the only man that needs a gun is one who carries a gun".
In "Hawaii 5-0" Danny from Jersey is very adamant about how "citizens with guns" is a bad thing.

McGarrett has made some side comments about the right to keep arms, but when the program shows engaged citizens who help law enforcement, it's usually ex-mil citizens as if there's a special class of citizens who are particularly born to the task and have received special military training.
TV and movies have been spouting anti-firearm ownership rhetoric for eons. Nothing new about it. Long before 1947's Angel and the Badman.
Didn't we discuss Shane's "A gun is a tool..." 1953 speech recently too. Mind you, Alan Ladd along with most other Hollywood types of the time were avid shooters. Hollywood isn't like that any more. Worst of it are the actors who made their name using firearms in movies and are rabidly anti-firearm ownship. Sylvester Stallone, for example.
If actors had integrity about the parts they play, there would be no villains...

They may have personal integrity, some do, some don't, like everyone else.

Never confuse the people they are paid to be onscreen or stage with the people they actually'll be nothing but disappointed if you do.
44 AMP,

Good advice concerning actors. I used to not want to know anything about any actor, for fear they were anti gun. I now realize they have the right to be BUT when they advocate disarming the poor while living in a gated community and having an armed security detail, I count them as hypocrites.

A person has the right to be a hypocrite also but I have the duty to expose it.