Anybody just watch West Wing?

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Tonight was the live Presidential debate. I imagine many of you dislike this show's historically liberal standpoint, but this season's election has done what real politicians always fail to do: Actually discuss issues out in the open with facts rather than slogans.

The show was originally created to illustrate what Aaron Sorkin felt a "good" Democrat White House could be like. Now, Alan Alda's character defines a Republican who's campaign promises to destroy the deviciness in American politics. Certainly, it's fiction. But I think alot of people enjoy seeing what a Presidential campaign could be like.
I've been sort of hooked on the show, as it actually shows some of the politics in action. Oh, much more goes on than it shows, but it is accurate for what it does do.

That said, it was interesting to watch the two actors and to try and catch when and who was adlibing their lines... And yes, there were many instances of this.

Unfortunately, I have to conclude that discussing a fictional TV show as a valid political or legal issue is off topic. As much as I regret it...

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