Anybody here hunt crows?


New member
I just got into it. I haven't actually shot any yet, but I sit outside on my lunch break with my call and try to call them in. Today, I sat for about 10 minutes calling occasionally and was bout to leave and 3 came diving in and saw me and immediately took off. Can't wait to train my crosshairs on some and let the .22wmr fly. Took some magpies last weekend, those are a little harder to hit.
This is your lucky day


I would hunt them if I could find a place to do it. If you haven't already done so, checkout

Sourse for flying crow-decoy kite anyone? Inflatable grounded crow decoy? Lots of good info and experience there. Check out the hate mail they receive from crow-huggers. Oh, and don't forget your shotgun for the airborne crows.

This is one of my favorites in the hate mail:

Be careful of what your advocating. Crow consumption(destruction) may not be legal unless your a farmer protecting your crops. Personally I find the crow a beautiful and humorous creature. Consumed by natives only in an emergency and after an a great amount of spiritual inflection given to ease the anger of the powerful spirit that lives in the crow. If you really want to do the avian world a favor, shoot starlings with unwanton abandon.


Keep in mind that most people, especially farmers, fail to appreciate the humorous behavior of this destructive bird. Besides, I find that 1-1/4 ounces of #6 shot eases the anger of the powerful spirit that lives in the crow quite well.
I love crow hunting too and have just recently gotten into the sport. I bought some decoys to set out and have a crow caller. I have called in a lot of crows but they always seem to spot me and fly off. If you really want to call them in make the injured crow call and within fifteen minutes crows will be comming in from everywhere. It is very challenging due to their intelligence and sharp eyes.
I prefer to do my Crow shooting with stalking and a 7MM Magnum.

I like to nail the watch crow, probably stresses the rest of the flock a bit.

I only crow hunt if they land in my back yard...LOL:D
Crows get rid of alot of dead animals.
They are alway picking at deer leavin's.
They are also pretty smart for a bird, and can be quite challenging to hunt.
Happy Bird Hunting!!!!!!!!

I learned that there are two kinds of crows, field crows that eat crops, and the larger carrion crows that eat dead animals. Shoot the ones that eat the crops.
crow hunting.

Here in Western North Carolina, we do two types of crow hunting. Shotgun hunting requires cover for the shooter. Usually a pine thicket with an open field/pasture to stand in the edge of. We use an owl decoy and mouth calls. As long as the crows don't see you (have to wear full length camo/and face net..Same as turkey hunting) the sound will not scare the birds off.

The other is long range hunting with rifles (220swift,243 and 6mm)We ride the roads looking for birds sitting in fields and pastures. We drive past them and pull off the road. We work our way back to them using cover. These shots are 150-300yd shots.(use a laser range finder to document shots) We always make sure there is no livestock and there are no houses near. We have to use a lot of common sence with this type of shooting. We pick up our dead birds too. Nothing will get land posted quicker than sloppy hunting.:(