Anybody heard of a "fling Board" shoot?


New member
There is one at Wicens farm range(10 minutes outside of doylestown bucks cty - Mozart road just off of Swamp road) third sunday of july (I think). Its a shotgun game. They shoot both Fling board, Standing board, and a Spinning board. Its a pretty fun day.
anybody intrested?
Rules for fling board:
12 gage ONLY
1) You suppily the shotgun range supplies the shells (this makes sure everybody uses the same rounds) [Heavy chokes are reommended]
2) shots are $1 eah you may buy as many as you wish.
2x2 pine boards with a paper X are hand thrown in the air.
The objet is to hit them square with as many pellets as possible
(trap loads are used).
3) The winner is the person who has a pellet(s) whole closest to the enter of the x on the board. Winner gets 60% of the pot.

Rules for spinning board:
paper target (round on round board) split into Pie slices. You buy a slice for $1. You may buy as many as you wish. Board is mounted on an axel and is spun shot by volenteer while spinning. Name with most holes gets pot.

Rules for standing board:
Sililar to fling board. but target is stationary and may be fired from a rest. You may buy as many target as you wish for $1 each
Again losest pellet to the x wins 60% of the pot.:D
Any intrest in this? anybody from the board coming?

Just wondering. they are also having a balloon shoot that day rifles @ 100 yards shooting balloons. Should be fun!