Anybody have input on this book?

I saw Larry Sabato briefly on TV the other day. He has a book titled "A More Perfect Constitution". Anybody read this book or know much about him?

I'm deep into reading "The Spoils of Time" by C.V. Wedgewood and "1776" by David McCulloch. Of course, I'm an article reader at best due to my attention span and actual time to read. But, these two books have got my attention...

Now, back to Sabato. I've only started to do some digging and wanted to know if anybody knows much about him and if the book is worth my next read.

I believe Sabato is a Professor of Politics(?) at the University of Virginia. He's on TV as a talking head quite often and seems to be a pretty level headed, middle of the road kind of guy. I'm not familiar with the book though.
The Constitution in Exile: How the Federal Government Has Seized Power by Rewriting the Supreme Law of the Land by Judge Andrew Napolitano.

I do enjoy watching Judge Napolitano in interviews. He really knows how to articulate the meaning of law into lamens terms. Is the style of read in his book similar or do you have to be a scholar to understand?
I read the constitution for myself, not just accept the agenda driven analysis of others.

Primary sources rule.

WildhaveyouhuggedanaktodayAlaska TM

AK as an Alaskan, or an AK-47? No on the former, yes on the latter.:D

As much as the Constitution is in black and white, there are still arguements on the interpretation of it....:(