Anybody have a good deer jerky recipe?


Staff Alumnus
I've been using plain ole' hot pepper and salt for awhile now. I think it's time for me to experiment this year with something new.
Try this:

Slice the meat (venison, London Broil or brisket) in strips 1/4" thick, and 1" wide, and as long as you like. Place the sliced meat in a flat container with a tight-fitting lid (Rubbermaid or Tupperware make some good ones).

Mix equal parts Worchestershire sauce and soy sauce (or teryaki sauce, if you like that), add some water, garlic (and/or onion) powder, salt and pepper (you might also consider chili powder) and a little liquid smoke. Make enough to cover the meat or fill the container. Put the cover on tightly and let it marinate overnight in the refrigerator. Turn it over or shake it a few times too, (maybe when you go to the bathroom in the middle of the night! ;) ) to make sure that the marinade is getting in everywhere.

Next morning, spread the slices out on a screen (1/2" hardware cloth with vegetable oil on it, to help keep the jerky from sticking), sprinkle with more garlic powder, salt and pepper (and chili powder) to taste, and put it in a 125-to-150-degree oven for about 4 hours.

You might also consider putting aluminum foil on the bottom of the oven to keep your significant other from making you clean the whole oven! You can just take the foil out when you're done and throw it away or recycle it.

Disclaimer: It's been a while since I've made jerky, so this recipe may require some modification, but you get the idea. :o ;)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ArmySon:
I've been using plain ole' hot pepper and salt for awhile now. I think it's time for me to experiment this year with something new.[/quote]

Aaagh! This confounded "Ultimate Bulletin Board" needs a spell-checker, and grammar-checker! :)

[This message has been edited by seronac (edited September 02, 2000).]
I made a batch of moose jerky a couple weeks ago. Slice thin (works best if partially frozen) like 1/8" and across grain as much as possible. Soak in a brine of 1-2cups apple cider (that is starting to get a little of that vinegar tang or add a little vinegar), with salt and brown sugar in approx equal parts, couple tablespoons of worchestershire (sp?) sauce, some minced or pressed garlic, and a half can of beer. Mix it up good and let it cover the meat. marinade 2 days in the fridge mixing several times. after 2 days take out, rinse, and drain. Then dust with a mix of tablespoon of curry powder, some onion powder and or garlic powder, pepper (I prefer a sechuan or black/red mix), and some seasoning salt if you want.
Then,( listen close now- I'm trying to save marriages here) on the GRILL, outside and away from the neat and tidy kitchen, start a small charcoal fire all the way to one side of the grill and lay the meat on racks on the other side. add wet hickory pieces and a couple briquets every hour or so. keep the fire long and low- about 5 hours on my grill. You can also do it on most gas grills if one burner can be turned off. I stack several racks with hickory blocks for spacers and rotate the racks 2-3 times, and turn the strips of meat over once after a couple hours.
Hope this helps.
Liquid smoke is good if you are using the oven. I prefer Japanese style soy sauce over the Chinese style any day; while harder to find, it is sweet rather than bitter and is just the thing for meat and fish cooking. Ditto on that black/red pepper mix; one of the spice companies is now making a premixed shaker bottle, and its a nice change of pace for steaks and whatnot.
If you want to try something really different and really good, take all the little odd bits that you'd normally grind up for burger and cut it up into 1" cubes. Brown it in a frying pan and then pickle it according the recipe found on the back of any jar of pickling spices. Toss in onions and jalapenos to taste and then stick in the fridge for a month or so.


This also works for fish (sounds gross maybe, but its wonderful - even people who don't like fish, like my pickled fish).
With the fish, no cooking. Just roll them in salt and brown sugar and leave them somehere cool overnite to draw out all the moisture. Take the now (partially) cured fish and seal them in your jars of pickling solution with peppers, etc,. The neat thing about this is that the vinegar in the pickling solution will melt all the little bones out of the fish, but it leaves the meat firm. Its really wonderful.

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