Anybody figure for a tree ninja?


The other day, I had a bunch of fledglings that we were training in basic awareness.
In some of the scenarios, some of the responders mentioned in a situation directly outside of your house, some of you would come outside of the house to check the perimeter.
How many of you check the branches above your peripheral vision in the trees?
We found out our tree ninjas "took out" 90% of the guys on "patrol." (Drop out of the tree to physically eliminate the patrol guy)
Any comments, opinions? Thank you in advance.
Woulda caught me, probably. I live in a desert. Nearest climbable tree is a few hundred yards from my house...:)

Some of my relatives who were in Vietnam and world war 2, on the islands against the Japanese. Were told to keep an eye out in the trees. The enemy would hide up there and shoot down on them.
in one of my college police courses, we gottotake turns clearing a section of the school, while other students played bad guys...

I was in a lecture hall, on top of a large cabinet, just inside the door...

even in the scenarios where the lights in the room were ON, not one "officer" looked upupon entering the room,and I got over 20 confirmed kills that day... 5 or 6 as a "cop" and the rest from the top of the cabinet...

our instructor pounded that into the heads of ALL of us, after the exercise... UP is every bit as important as front, sides and rear...

not a chance in HE double hockeysticks you'da caught ME that way...

We did a similar scenario with simunitions in an old warehouse. A guy was up on top of a pipe running just beneath the ceiling. Easily accessible from the floor, should be checked, no one did. He would take out both 'officers' as they entered his section unless he was spotted right away, which he never was. I was whacked that way becuase my partner failed to look up while clearing that section (though, to be fair, I dunno if I'd have spotted him either).

On the plus side, we were made to rerun the scenrio and find the guy and when we did, we lit him up. We actually got yelled at for wasting ammunition on him, but it was worth it to hear the "oww! OOH! uuuugh! OKAY! OKAY!" come from him. ;)

I'd think most opponents would avoid climbing trees to attack. I could see the logic when ambushing a small (1-5 man) force. But for all other situations climbing the tree, flagpole, filing cabinet, etc,etc effectively cuts off retreat. In fact, if I had my choice of where my opponent would be positioned in a firefight (Numerically equal force), I think I'd want them hugging a tree. We can maneuver, they cannot. Simple...just be sure to assign the upper 30 degree zone to someone on the team.
Ahhh, the Tree Ninja. Is he a first or second cousin to the Mall Ninja? We already have a Park Ninja, Mall Ninja, Parking Ninja, etc.; why not one more?

Don't GSCs watch "Uncommon Valor" anymore? Geez, this problem never came up in the RLI as we were chasing tangos across the plains of Northern Rhodesia!

Heads up. Look up, down and all around--yellow, I repeat Condition Yellow.
The Younger Generation...

I would hardly presume to speak for my entire generation, but I for one am pretty used to checking up as well as around, thanks to the "combat" experience of waaaayyy too many FPS shooter games.
When I grew up in Penn's Woods I used to squirrel hunt a good bit. Doing that gets you used to looking everywhere, up, down, all around.
I'd think most opponents would avoid climbing trees to attack.

Well, are you a good guy or a bad guy? If you are a bad guy, please just keep thinking that way.

I WANT you to think that way.

'Cuz I'm gonna getcha!