Anybody exclusively using froglube?

full case load

New member
Wanting to give it a trial. I am thinking to get all the old gunk off I'll use regular gun cleaning supplies, then rubbing alcohol for final residue cleaning, instead of their solvent. Also leaning to just the paste clp versus the liquid, seems coverage would be at least as good, plus more economical. Am I close?
I have been using froglube for about six months now. I prefer to use the liquid even if it costs me a little more as it seems to do a better job cleaning compared to paste. However, I still use some Rem oil to lube the rails( once cleaned up) if I am not planning on shooting an iron for some time.
Ah yeah, the c in clp does stand for cleaner. Hadn't considered that aspect. The liquid probably would cover more thoroughly or at least more quickly than paste. Thanks, you saved me the time of figuring that out.