Anybody else do this?


For the last few months I've been making an effort to get out to the range once a week (doesn't always happen) and practice shooting with at least 10, usually 20 or 30 shots in each of the 4 positions (standing, sitting, kneeling, prone) with my 22lr. A couple weeks ago I took my 308 out with some friends and all that practice had definitely helped a lot, I shot my best prone group ever with my 308 (just over 1/2in at 100yds). And from the bench shot 3 (I know, not a group, just a few shot) with the first 2 through I ragged hole and the third shot made a hole right on top connected to the first hole. So I have no doubt the 22lr practice is helping. But the thing I really noticed was the huge weight increase of the 308.

So, I've continued to practice with the 22, but I've been wearing a weight just below my wrist on my off hand (5lbs, it's one of those ankle weights they sell for joggers). Does anyone else do this? Is there any reason I shouldn't be doing this? Is there something else that may work better?

I do get some funny looks once in a while at the range, but I'm trying to improve.
I hadn't thought of wearing a wrist weight, but it's a great idea. I do some exercises to strengthen my arms and shoulders to improve my ability to hold any gun steady: holding a dumbbell in front of me at arm's length and doing figure-eights with it, and like.
If you can, get a set of 3 lb weights one for each wrist. Wear them around the house for about 4 hours a day. It will strengthen your arms and shoulders without you realizing it. You can then go to the range without any weights and your rifles will feel like feathers to you, you comments would then be you have to get heavier rifles (LOL). Repetitive lighter weights will build muscle tone faster than trying heavier weights which fatigue the muscles.

I haven't thought of the weights either. I shoot the 22 LR for accuracy practice at the public range.
It is a lot lighter than my .223 which I slowed down on shooting because of
You don't see hardly anyone shooting while standing, kneeling or prone.
Just about everyone shoots off the concrete benches.

I too have been shooting while standing, using the sling, either looped or hasty. Obviously I am not as accurate as opposed to bench shooting but
it is a whole new way to work on marksmanship and I am going in two weeks
from now for my second attempt at the Appleseed Rifleman qualification.
If one is supposed to build a position that doesn't depend on much muscle to maintain the position, why would shooting with weights help consistency in rifle position?

I can see the importance of grip and arm strength is pistol, but a rifle position shouldn't take more than moderate strength anyway, right?
I think the weights are helping, I will take a heavier (than the 22) gun to the range tomorrow or Thursday to see. It seems like general arm strengthening exercises should be adequate, but holding a rifle is a pretty unique position to hold your my arms it seemed like I needed something more. I will try just wearing the weight while doing other things around the house.

Also, I'm an auto mechanic, I have pretty good strength in my arms and hands plus I'm used to contorting my arms and hands to push/pull on things; but holding a rifle is just different.
I go to the gym regularly, and now I can bench press my rifle.
But seriously, when I did trap shooting, I used to practice holding my shotgun up in the shooting position, until I couldn't hold it any more.
That worked great in increasing strength in the right places.
I've been bad...

Instead of the .22 for my weekly shoots, I'm using my 7mm-08.

Gives me an excuse to hide in the basement/man cave for a while every week. ;)
I lift fairly heavy weights twice a week and that has made holding a pistol easy for me. It's good exercise.

I can bench press my rifle - a few years ago, I could press signficantly over what my weight should be - but not what it is :( - several times.

Today, I do lighter reps.

I also do hand squeezy things sitting at my desk.