Any way to DARKEN...


New member
Parkerization? I have heard guys oiling then baking. This doesn't work. Anyone else have a way. (Of course without reparking or Gunkoting, etc.). Thanks.
I was under the impression that a coat of cosmoline would do it if left on there a little while... not sure how long though.
Would cosmoline work???

Or was the original park process really the deal - a dark greenish finish because of the proprietary nature. Any just try cosmo on a newer parked piece?
Well if you have a few decades to wait that might work. Might try some cold blue on a degreased place out of the way, or a spare part with that finish. Might work? If it is zinc instead of manganese finish, it will probably always be lighter looking. Also have read about chromic acid being a part of the process for some military finishes, which is pretty hazardous stuff to experiment with. That might affect the color of the finish though, I suspect.