Any tips for clean pan lubing?

Lead Express

New member
Hey folks.

I've been casting and pan lubing my bullets for about a month, and pan lubing seems to be extremely messy. I have other things in mind when it comes to budget (I'm not buying a lubrisizer just yet), and I don't mind the extra steps of pan lubing...... But when I'm sizing, the results are almost embarrassing. I have lube all over the base and nose of the bullet.

I'm using a bullet punch to extract them from the lube, made out of a brass tube sized down to the diameter of my bullets. I'm also punching out one bullet at a time and extracting before I go to the next.... Any useful tips from the seasoned?
When the lube is molten, keep the level short and set them in nose up,


If your bullet punch is right on sizewise, it will pick them up cleanly,




That's what they should look like when done. Obviously I am VERY small volume here, using what appears to be a tuna fish can on the stove like that, but it's a kit a friend made for me.

LE, 5/24/12

Nice pics by Armoredman.

I love pan lubing. I started out with some Lee six banger aluminum molds for my 9mm and 45's and was having all different size boolits drop out of the mold. So I ran them through a Lyman 4500 lubesizer. Much more mess and hassle then it is worth.

So the next step was to slug my bores and order a 0.002" oversize five banger aluminum mold from the good folds at Accurate Molds. The boolits drop at just the size that was ordered and I don't have to size anymore.

For lubing I've tried tumble lube and lubrisize lubing and pan lubing. I love pan lubing. I heat my mixture of lube on low heat (#3) on the kitchen stove and also preheat the bullets and pan they sit in so the lube flows easier once poured into the lubing pan. Once the lube starts to set up I put it into the freezer for about 20 minutes. This sets up the lube really well and the bullets pop out of the pan using an oversized brass case with no mess or fuss. For me pan lubing is the way to go.

If you haven't looked up a great website called you should. They have answers to all the casting and reloading questions you might have and are very friendly. Good luck.

best wishes- oldandslow
I started out pan lubing like you also, it is a cheap way of getting it done but very time consuming and messy. I developed a harder lube(and bought a few) which helped keep the mess down but I always had lube all over. I finally found a good used lubrisizer and won't ever pan again.
For me, it is another hobby to spend time on when I'm idle. I love it, and am working out the kinks to streamline the process. That old sardine can looks perfect.