Any suggestions for organizing a range outing?


New member

I've been thinking about organizing a trip to one of the local ranges for interested men and women from my church. However, i've got a few nagging thoughts and wondered if i could get some opinions.

- Safety - Numero uno, of course. First of all, without selectively picking the people to go, i will have no way to objectively gauge experience and/or safey mindedness of those that wish to go. Should i ask everyone and try to arrange a basic gun safety course on the side?

- Range - Indoor vs. outdoor, pistol vs. rifle vs trap/skeet.

- Competition - The competitions will come no matter what, of course, but should i arrange for some kind of competitive think or just let folks shoot

- Guns - Should i get a few range rentals for folks that can't/don't want to bring anything? Should i discourage people from bringing anything they wouldn't want to let someone else shoot?

Right now i'm thinking about working with the sales lady at the local range and let them set it up as a standard group event. They've got a beautiful facility, lots of rentals available, insurance :), etc...the problem is simply that it would cost a lot more to do it that way. Right now i figure it's probably a good way to test the water and see what happens...if it's something folks will want to do on a regular basis, then we'll find a cheaper way to get it done.

Thanks for any tips you may have!!!
