Any Smith Corona 03A3 collectors?


New member
I finally pulled the trigger on a 1903A3. After looking at a lot of 1903's at shows and shops I found most to be parts guns of varying quality and a higher price than I wanted to pay.

i stared searching for a 03A3 because I want to shoot this rifle a lot. I found this SC local and committed on buying without much knowledge about them. The current owner is a knowledgeable collector and I trust his discretion of 95%, excellent bore and correct parts.

Near as I can tell this is all SC but unsure of the furniture. Anyone know for sure?






I don't know how much they are asking for that rifle, but it appears to me to be an outstanding piece.

What people fail to understand, that all US Rifles, '03s M1s, carbines, 1911s were rebuilt at one time or other so they may or may not have mis-matched parts. In my opinion it doesn't matter.

Having said that, from what I can see from the pictures, it looks correct to me. You could go to the CMP forums to be sure.

Smith Corona Blued a lot of their parts and used stamping instead of machine parts.

I had been wanting a '03a3 and was holding back until CMP released this last lot. I got tired of waiting and found an excellent SC for $695 localily. I said screw it and bought th rifle. Thinking I paid too much.

Then the CMP did released what they had. Prices were a bit lower then what I paid, but looking and the rifles and discripition of rifles, I 'm glad I got the one I did.

Not condeming CMP, its just the supply of nice 1903s has dried up. Most of the ones they had were from Veteran Groups who used these for years in parades, funerals 'n such. They didn't take the best care of the rifles, they didn't need to, they served their purpose.

Looking at your pictures, and knowing how hard it was for me to find a "good" 03, I think I would go as high a $1000, maybe more from what I've seen out there after buying mine.

Maybe people in other locations have more to choose from, I don't know. But at the price of gas now days, one would have spent a lot in transportation chasing a good 1903a3.

Mine is an excellent shooter, I don't care about the collector value, I 'm not going to live that much longer to worry about it, I certainly wont sell it.

To make a long story short................BUY THE SUCKER
You must also take into account the fact that there were fewer Smith Coronas manufactured than Remingtons.

I have a correct SC and the inspector's marks forward of the magazine tang screw on the stock appear to be similar or identical to mine.
I hope to pick this up today or tomorrow. I checked completed auctions on GB and found prices running $600 up to $1400 for the SC in various condition. I'm in this $750, a bit more than I wanted to spend but it's a bit more rifle than I was really looking for. I think I did pretty good price wise but more important I think this is going to be a good shooter.

I have 2K Greek M2 ball. Not going to be super accurate but I would like to put a few hundred rounds through it just making friends.

I ordered Bruce Canfields 1903 book, I should be a internet expert soon:D

kraig, what should I expect from this, 2-3moa? maybe better with match ammo?

gyvel, thanks on the cartouche info. I read a post that said the SC should have a "diamond" stamp near the mag well but I think that was for a Remington. I've looked at so many photos online it's starting to all run together. I'll know more when I get it home and detail strip it.
kraig, what should I expect from this, 2-3moa? maybe better with match ammo?

Easily, I'm betting closer to 2 MOA. Of course you understand that those rifles are used today in the CMP GSM Games "Springfield" match". Yeap they have their own match (Hence, the "S" in GSM).

The targets used are the 200 Yard High Power Targets. The X-10 ring on these targets is 3.5 MOA.

In today's market, with the demand caused by the growing interest in the CMP Games, I think $750 is a great buy.

Now go to the CMP E-store and get a bayonet. Got to have bayonets for your surplus rifles. I have one for my '03, as well as my carbine, Garand, 1917 Enfield, and both my ARs ('a1 style and a2 style). Looking for one for a M14 to put on my M1A.
Got to have bayonets for your surplus rifles.

Great minds think alike:D

I have a short M1905 for the Garand so I started looking for a loooong one. I was put back at the prices. Good god man, I saw one for $1850. Anyway it looks like it a $200+/- bayonet with a nice scabbard. I gave a long 1905 away to a friends son a few years ago thinking I had no need for it and he liked it, good kid.

I'll check cmp for a bayonet, thanks.
"What people fail to understand, that all US Rifles, '03s M1s, carbines, 1911s were rebuilt at one time or other so they may or may not have mis-matched parts."

Not true with many '03A3's. After FDR ordered over a million Model 1917 rifles sent to England (prior to Lend-Lease), the U.S. rifle war reserve was close to non-existant. To make matters worse, M1 rifle production was proving slow to ramp up and nowhere near enough were coming off the production lines. So the Army contracted with Remington to make the M1903, using the old Rock Island Arsenal machinery and tooling. Remington made the M1903, but suggested changes to make production cheaper and faster without compromising serviceability. The result was the M1903A3, which was made by both Remington and Smith-Corona. (S-C never made the M1903, only the 03A3.)

But by the time that production got into high gear, the kinks had been worked out of M1 production and there were more than enough M1 rifles for the combat arms. The result was that most of the last year's production of the bolt rifles were never issued; they went from the factories into storage, later to be given to foreign countries as military aid or sold through the Director of Civilian Marksmanship to members of the NRA at bargain prices ($14.50). Those rifles were brand new, unissued and of course never rebuilt.

Quite a few of today's collectors, not knowing the history, think those rifles are rebuilt or refurbished. They are not. They are just as they came off the line, as the one pictured seems to be.

I'm not a Smith-Corona collector per se, but I do have one.

The markings all look right to me and it looks in very good shape. Easily worth $750-900 depending on the buyer.


I need to take some new pics thats terrible. :o