Any sharps shooters out there


Just picked up a Garrett Arms Sharps carbine,with a lawrence pellet primer system. I understand the pellets are no longer made,but I would like to know the procedure to load them.The Garrett sharps primer is a copy of the original
pellet system used on the sharps,and the only replica with this primer.
Any details on loading would be great.
The non-metallic cartridge Sharps used a linen cartridge. Said linen was treated with nitrate to make it combustible. William Green's "Letters from a Sharpshooter" has an illustration as does Roy Marcot's "Civil War Chief of Sharpshooters Hirma Berdan: Military Commander and Firearms Inventor." The Lawrence pellet priming system was discontinued in the midwar 1863 model of the Sharps rifle. While the system worked, simplifying it increased production.

From William Edward's Civil War Guns: "TO CHARGE THE LOCK WITH 'SHARPS' PRIMES,' cock the Arm, shove back the magazine cover on the top surface of the lockplate, by pressing the left thumb against the screw head beneath the cup of the hammer. Withdraw the tack nail from the charging tube in line with the slot in the face of the lockplate, and press it down as far as the spiral spring will admit, then with the right hand thrust the tack nail through the slots in the tube and lockplate above the primes, withdraw the tube, bring the lock to half cock and withdraw the tack nail. The priming mgazine charged, the cover must now be moved back, lest the primes escape. Nor should the hammer be worked between half cock and full cock for the same reason."

Said Lawrence pellet priming system was reserved for situations where a higher rate of fire was required or in very cold weather when fine motor skills were hampered by benumbed fingers. Wyman White made good use of it by deceiving five Rebels into thinking they were outnumbered.