Any reviews on CDNN Choke tubes?


New member
I have a new to me Beretta A390ST. It came with one Full flush choke tube. I need to get a few more, at lease an IC and a M, perhaps to also cover steel shot as well, so maybe a few more chokes (given my understanding that the steel shot doen't constrict as much a lead shot an IC lead would be a Modified steel - in other words an IC lead is not an IC steel.

In any event, the CDNN choke tubes were recommended. I'm thinking of getting one of these sets, either the flush or the 3/4 extended. Given the cost of shipping, and the cost of individual chokes, it's not that much more to get a set rather than buy individually.

here's a link

Has anyone used these chokes?

I'm thinking of getting the extended just so I can see what's in the gun and to have a little protection for the end of the barrell. Does this make sense?

Any reason I shouldn't buy a set of these chokes as a starter set to cover a wide range of use - skeet, trap, sporting clays and perhaps some shooting/hunting out on some undeveloped land (steel shot)?
I can't imagine shooting anything other than Briley or Trulock. Built to exacting standards. Cheap stuff is well, cheap stuff...
The CDNN chokes are made by the Italian company that makes the Beretta chokes. they are "Beretta Factory marked". Does that make them cheaply made?

Just to play the devil's advocate here, what defines a cheap choke anyway beyond price - isn't the purpose to costrict at a certain level. If one hits that level, which should be measurable with a simple micrometer (?) or with a quick patterning at 20-25 yards, is there a long term difference?

Stated another way, what would I get getting by spending $100 on three chokes that I'm not getting with this package?
If they are made by the Italian factory, odds are they are Briley, as Briley's Italian operation makes the chokes for just about every Euro maker.

To the OP - make sure you are getting the correct chokes - that is, Beretta has several versions of chokes for different models and they are NOT interchangeable. One friend of mine has 3 Beretta semis and each uses a different choke than the other, so he had to buy three sets of tubes.

If they are the correct ones, you can always try a few and..........(this is the most important thing) - see how they pattern with YOUR loads in YOUR gun. While choke tube designations are measured in thousandths of inch constrictions, the true measurement is the pattern density at specified distances.

At those prices, if they do not work out, I would imagine you could sell them for at least what you paid for them at your local club
I have a 1991 Beretta A390ST and have confirmed that they take Mobil chokes - but it's a good exercise to confirm. Thanks for raising it.

The tubes are "Beretta MDS marked" if that has any special meaning.
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