Any retro fans of the 300 H&H?


New member
Not the best time to start a new load workup project, but I'm about to expend some precious CCI 250s to work this old girl. Any experiences with bullets and powders? I have an abundance of 308 bullets and a good selection of powders, but I would like to conserve my primers. I'm thinking a good 180 over IMR-4350 (old standby), Ramshot Hunter (worked well in 30-06), or Vihtavouri N560 (go to for heavy 338 loads).
Well, I guess that answers that question. I do like the old "magnum length" cartridges, but the gun makers don't, and that has pretty much killed their application. Oh well.
Twer it me, I'd try an old powder for an old cartridge. Say 4831?

Too bad you can't get the WWII version but the current vintage is probably pretty close.
As trivia, back around 1960 while in college I used to buy H4831 for about 85 cents a pound. Local sporting goods store had a 100 pound cardboard barrel from Hodgen (this was his original surplus WWII powder from which he started his business). Store owner would take a paper sack and a scale back in the back room and scoop and weigh a pound or whatever you wanted from the big barrel. Worked great in my .243 and never had a misfire, so I assume the powder was good even if it was surplus.

Should work great in your .300. Especially since you can't get the 3-inch long sticks of cordite to insert in the case.:D
Thanks for the information. With a number of my favorites unavailable, I have gathered a bunch of alternative powders. But no 4831. I will get some 200 gr bullets