Any recommendations for a Glock 20 IWB holster?


New member
I've got a Glock 20 on the way and am in need of a holster for it. I prefer IWB, but have never carried one of the big Glocks before. The gun is going to have a lasermax on it, which I've heard can run into problems with self-activation in soft holsters. Right now I either carry a CBOB in a Tauris lo-pro IWB, or a Glock 32 in a Galco Royal Guard. I like both of these holsters, but I was thinking about going with something like an MTAC, or some other leather/plastic combo holster. If anybody has any experience or recommendations that could help me I'd be glad to hear them.
The Glock factory holster is as well designed as the Glock pistols. It carries as concealable as the IWB only way more comfortable. They are so cheap (but very good) that you owe it to yourself to try one. I never thought I would like a plastic holster but then I never thought I would ever buy a plastic gun even though I drive a plastic car.