Any reason for heavier barrel on FAL?

I dont think so.
The heavier barrels are a little stiffer and suffer less from barrel harmonic disruptions or heat distortion... but I dont think in a weapon such as an FAL it matters too much.
The heavy barrel system for the Squad Automatic Weapon system makes sense - but other than that - I would rather save the weight because as is the FAL is a heavy mug.
As George said, the only original FN FAL that had a heavy barrel was the light machinegun variant or squad weapon.
I see no reason to need a heavy barrel variant but I can see plenty of reasons to want a heavy barrel. I think a heavy barrel carbine would be very cool.
I've thought about it because I would like to scope one, with back up iron sights, and have it as a SHTF far away gun. But I'm not sure, it would be nice to see somebody who actually had one, and how they shot.
fal308 - why would you want a medium or heavy barrel carbine? I'm just curious, trying to make up my own mind for my next FAL.

The standard FAL is heavy, as George said. Mine, with scope mount & scope, loaded, comes to 12 lbs according to my bathroom scale (which sometimes cannot be trusted). But in any case, a standard all-steel FAL is quite heavy.

I don't think I'd consider a medium barrel on anything except a rifle lightened with Aluminum parts, like DSA's Al. lower. I handled one of their regular carbines over the weekend, and it was almost as light as my AR.

DSA's medium contour (with Al. lower), with a barrel cut down to 18" for easier handling, should be about the same weight as a regular all-steel FAL.

By the way, has anyone had any problems with an Aluminum lower in terms of durability / longevity?
I'd like to have a HB carbine
a) just to have one!
b) It wouldn't be lonely with the other three (not Belgian :( ) already in the safe.
c)Also, three is an odd number and I'm an even number kind of guy :)

Actually, I think a 16 inch HB FAL with short flashhider would look really good! Get the aluminuim parts, build a skelatonized buttstock (or find someone who would part with a folder), lighweight handguards etc. and you could have a handy .308 battle carbine.

Even better would be the 13 inch entry gun DSA makes :cool: but that's not available to us mere peasants :(
Are you going to resist it's siren call or will you make it yours? Would love to get one myself, but it gets down to making some mortgage payments or the DSA? Tough decision.

To carry those mags in style, Sportsman's Guide occassionally has the SA R4 harness setup (canvas) for sale. I bought one a couple of years ago for $29.95!
i uave standard bbl carbines in doth 16" w/muzzle brake and 18" with out m/brake
drop me a line if you would like to try them out.
oh yeah also have a full length dsa that has been accurized and scoped