Any one using pitbulls for catch work


New member
I know they are pretty standard for hog hunting but I have heard of them doing catch work on two different things.
The way it was told to me was they were used to catch coyotes that were bring in over bait or e-caller the idea being the coyote gets away clean or does not get away.
The store on this one was the dog find the den goes in though the air hole and catchers it or pushes it into the trap gurading the under water opening

Just wondering if anyone has ever heard of them doing work like that
Nope. I doubt any coyote that did not have holes shot all through it could not outrun a pit bull..... pits are not exactly "built for speed"...... I've seen coyotes run by greyhounds, and by relays of coonhounds.... never seen a pit bull on coyotes.
And I've never seen a coyote outrun a bullet...... folks hunt coyotes with dogs for the same reason folks hunt deer with bows: dog lovers love dogs, and archers love bows and arrows. Give me a gun any day.
I have never heard of pits hunting coyotes. Some folks up here will use hounds, but I wouldn't. Bait and wait makes more sense than trying to chase dogs that are chasing faster dogs.
Around here, some houndsman use pit-bulls or mixed breed pits for what they call "kill dogs". This is usually for coons, 'yotes and bobcats, after they have been run by standard hounds. Not a pretty sight and not very ethical, IMHO. In the case of coon and bobcats, it's usually when they are "shaken" from small trees or when they hit the ground wounded. This is by hunters hunting for sport and not fur, as there will not be much left of the animal when killed this way. In the case of 'yotes, it's when the 'yote finally tires and is cornered somewhere. Like has been said, most pits and mixed breed pits could never run down a 'yote on their own. The idea of the pits is to save the regular hounds(who generally don't have the type of teeth needed to defend themselves well) from getting hurt.
The old school blood lines are about dogs that were bred to fight not hunt.
"...and not very ethical..." Probably illegal too.
Wiley would very likely turn on a pursuing pet dog and rip him to shreds.
Beaver houses, not dens, are big piles of wood in the middle of a pond. No dog is required to find 'em. That's probably illegal too.
Actually in a lot of the smaller rivers and creeks around here in the South they tend to use dens in the banks don't know coyote hunters were still using kill dogs I thought that had pretty much want out in my great ganddad time I found some of his writings that talk about hunting coyotes in Canada in the early 1900 he talked about his black and tan and blood hounds being used for tracking and his favorite kill dog being what he called a bulldog pointer x the way it sounded was once the tracking dogs had one bayed his kill dog would go in at a dead run grab it by the neck and that was it. Don't know why it would be a problem if they are protecting the hounds from dangerous game or going in to pull out or put down game you can not get a shot at I don't see the problem
Get on Utube and check "dog for coyotes" or something like that.

They do it I believe i Kansas and looks interesting.
What I know of using dogs to hunt coyotes goes like this, man has two or three sogs, he trains them to obey commands via vibratory collar, the man set his dogs loose in an area known to have coyotes, the dogs go out and challenge the coyotes territory. Via there trainging the dogs begin a back and forth with the yotes slowly drawing them further and further of of the wood, both via their training and via the hunters quidance with the remote collar, eventually the yote gets out far enough, the dogs are clear and bang, dead coyote.

At no point does the dog truly scrap with the yote, there may be a short exchange of nips but everyone is on the run so real fighting doesnt take place.

If it were legal I would have trained my lab/cow dog mix to do this as he is very fast, tough and enjoys a good pursuit.
there is a hunting show on the outdoor channel that uses bait dogs and callers for coyote hunting,,,they are in the western states some where arizona, nevada, wyoming,,,,someplace out there ,,,the guys go all over hunting coyotes,,,the coyote starts to come with the caller and the dogs entice them to come on in,,,cuz if you dont im gona eat this rabbit,,,,,it is amazing to watch these dogs work the coyotes and bring them into gun range,,,,then boom,,,and the game starts again

There's decoy dogs that act like competition for the call they heard and their job is to lead the dog back to the shooter. It's safer if they don't fight, but it happens. Pit could handle one but it very wouldn't be able to outrun 2-3. The black mouth cur is probably one of the best dogs for this type of coyote hunting, they love provoking stuff that will try to kill them.

If you're going to catch coyotes with other dogs, you need faster dogs. Greyhounds, lurchers, fast sighthounds in open country, they might have a more powerful and fast biter to finish them off running behind that catches up shortly after the sighthounds hit. There's videos of this on YouTube. Drive around prairie in truck until they spot one, catch up to it in the truck before slowing down and pulling a cord that opens the doors of all their kennels and they fly out and run the coyote down.
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