Any one that uses pump rifles


New member
I was wondering if anyone makes a pump rifle in 270 308 or 30-06 with 10 round magazine besides the one that remitan makes
Remington and Browning are the only ones to my knowledge in those calibers. You can get aftermarket 10 round magazines for Remington, never seen any for Browning. Remington used to make a 223 version with 10 round magazines, but it never caught on.
Well it not really needing one just I have always thought a pump rifle would be kind of cool and the 10 round magazine is the biggest one we can have for hunting so I was thinking could not hurt for bear and elk hunting I have heard of more than enough storyes of Bear Turing man eater and elk kikin the you know what out of a man not to mind having as much ammo as I can does anyone have any experience with how the 7600 does with the after market mag I have heard some can get over heated and loss groupin
I use a rem carbine in 3006 and tried a 10 round magazine, and the 10 round magazine made it harder to hand carry and dug into my back when slung. and I pinched my pump hand when I pumped very fast when my pump hand was a little closer to the rifle. eastbank.
Troy rifles makes an AR-10 style pump rifle that takes standard mags and costs about $850. They seem like a decent rig. My biggest issue is they're currently only available with a 16" barrel. I'd much prefer a 20".
That would be cool and not as costly as I would have thought I did not know there was a standard AR10 mag I thought that was the biggest problem with one everbody made their own

I agree that magazines offering higher than factory capacity are fun. But elk, bear and near everything else, including big hairy and toothy things that can really hurt you (like lions, Cape buffalo) are routinely successfully hunted with 4-5 rd sporters. And as easbank noted, an extended mag tends to be an awkward thing.

You can never be kicked or gored by if you stay clear of a down animal that's still alive. Bear charges tend to close and sudden, and it's unlikely you will get through a conventional mag till it's over, for better or worse.

About the only rationalization for hi-cap mag in hunting that I can come up with are hog shooters and prairie dog shooters, both of who want to eliminate as many of the destructive critters as they can when encountered. Note, I did not say one shouldn't have hicaps, I own plenty, rather, the need for one in hunting is just not there.

A high mag capacity will seldom make up for poor shooting.
"I use a rem carbine in 3006 and tried a 10 round magazine, and the 10 round magazine made it harder to hand carry and dug into my back when slung. and I pinched my pump hand when I pumped very fast when my pump hand was a little closer to the rifle. eastbank."

I didn't like my 10rnd 308 magazines either. I thought it was awkward holding my elbow out to the side to pump the rifle.
I don't know of anyone making a pump center-fire other than Remington.

Although I do know a young fellow who was given one by his father {as I recall} a cheaper grade of the model 760 Rem. A Black plastic stock it had. Really a plain jane look'in rifle. In the presents of eight or so other gents. I offered him 250.00 for it . At a time the young feller was upset with his rifle for missing a BIG Buck earlier in the evening. The kid was being hassled by all. From sleeping in his stand to Buck Fever and everything in-between. Not that his aim was off oh no his aim was spot on. "The rifles accuracy was suspect" 308 caliber carbine it was. His Father & I calmly inspected the young fellers rifle. No scope. Typical sliding ramp Remington open barrel sights. Rear site was tight front site was tight and centered. Then~He his dad and I just had to take the gun outside in the dark of night {about -10 below zero it was} with a 3 cell flashlight in hand and a bright yard light on. {No winter coats on.} Set up a soup can on the ground about 50 ft away. The young fellow pumped 4 rounds and missed 4 times. His father shot once I shot the rifle once. We two both hit the can quiet easily. Went back into the cabin. Young fellow was not only embarrassed he was now shivering (skinny kid) and not quite out of excuses yet. Oh yaw now hearing. "He shot old cartridges from years past that were clipped up a couple days before. His dad and I we two took our cartridges from a new box of shells to made our shots with. At that point I offered the young fellow 250.00 for his rifle. Just to ease his pain. CASH! laid out right there on the kitchen table. Prompted to take the money by his two hunting buddies. I almost had myself a rifle up until the young fellow looked at his father and seeing his head lowered. At the last second the young fellow balked and laid the money back down and said "if the rifle wasn't a present I'd sell it!!"

Later that same evening the young fellows Father and I when standing outside on the cabins porch getting some fresh air and enjoying yet another beverage and each others company. I told the Dad I would have given the rifle back to him the next day and he having not to worry about re-funding me (250.00.) After all I've known the Father well over 30 year. He & son I consider them close Friends. One thing I did notice.

In my shooting that 760 carbine? It felt significantly heavier in weight than my 742 06 carbine. Noisier too: as in rattles. Anywho I was once near owning a 760 but not quite~~almost.
I have a Remington Gamemaster 141 pump in 35 Remington. It's cool, but not really cause it's a pump
I think it's cool cause it's over 70 years old and it's 3 generations in my family...slowly preparing for the 4th.
I think they were also available in 30-06.