any ideal on how to tear down a cz52 rifle


New member
i"ve recently gotten a cz52 rifle pretty cheap and around 200 rounds for it. was wondering on how to tear it down for cleaning. any help would be great ..thanks.
I found this on another forum:

To remove the carrier, remove the top cover and recoil spring. Pull the carrier all the way back. While gently pushing down on the charging handle, tilt the carrier to the right. It will take some jiggling to get it to come out.

To remove the bolt form the carrier. Hold the carrier upright with the bolt down. The front of the bolt will drop down. Take your hand and put one finger on the front of the bolt and the other on the back of the bolt and move it forward. The bolt will slide out. This can be done with the carrier upside down also.

Assembly is the reverse. As far as the recoil spring is concerned, just keep stuffing it back in the carrier till you get the guide rod started. VERY GENTLY place the spring guide in the hole in the back of the receiver. To replace the top cover, very carefully retract the recoil spring and hook the dust cover over the back of the recoil spring guide. Slide the assembly forward and line up the groves in the receiver with the grooves in the top cover. Get it started and let her go!

WATCH YER FINGERS! AND watch your eyes as well! It is a good idea and highly recommended to wear safety glasses whilst messing with the recoil spring. Trust me. It WILL get away from you. As many times as I have had mine apart, I still fight the recoil spring.

To get to the gas system. Remove the upper handguard by pushing in on the little metal things near the receiver and lifting up. You will see a piece of rounded metal. Grab this metal and move it back and up till it comes out. The piston will move back with the "push rod" so you will have to hold it. This is easier with the bolt carrier out of the gun.

To remove the stock. There is a hole in the bayonet. Take a punch and place it in the hole and push in. With you finger on the cone shaped piece of metal, push up at the same time you are pushing in. This piece will move up. Remove the barreled action from the stock. To remove the trigger group. I can't remember off the top of my head whether the safety has to be on or off. Try it both ways. You will note that the trigger guard has a slot in it that is attached to a dog on the housing. Take a screwdriver and pop the trigger housing loose. Try to slid it forward. If it won't came off, move the safety to the other position and remove the trigger group.

The gun was designed to be taken apart with a bullet. Since I don't think that ammo and guns should be together with you are working on them, use common tools. It is safer!

Hope that helps.

Is yours still in 7.62X45mm (Not to be confused with 7.62X54R) or has it been converted to fire 7.62X39?

Double check before you fire it since it was fairly common to convert these.

Mine is a great shooter and makes a fun conversion piece.

The original mags will feed 7.62X39mm just fine with no mods.

Numerich gun parts has the conversion bushings if you don't want to mill it.

My SHE has been converted to fire without a bushing, so I am assuming that milling is an option.

Mine required extensive cleaning, and I still pull fouling out with vigorous scrubbing even when not fired. The more I clean it, the better it shoots, so maybe one day it will be clean again and shoot more than minute o silhouette target.

When searching the net for information on this rifle, search for VZ-52 SHE rifle. Also try VZ 52/57.

Do you know if its a 52 or a 57?

its a cv52, 7.62 x 45 she rifle. after i get it cleaned up , (hopefully i"ll have time this weekend). going to fire it some, i know the ammo is scarce now for it . guess after i use up the 7.62 x 45 ammo i"ll get the converson kit. its been painted black, or sprayed over the wood. thinkin about stripping off that off to the original wood. thanks.