Any Hoosiers spilling Coyote blood?

Not me (I'm in NM, where they've always been), but around my mom's house just west of West Lafayette they are. I remember seeing the first ones there in the mid-'80s: '84, I'm pretty sure.
Maybe I should've said "inroads across Indiana". :D

They've been in the western half for some time (as you noted)

Heck, according to a friend of mine, they're on Cape Cod now. :eek:

I doubt they shoot many out there in Taxachussets, though. :p
Coyotes are everywhere, all thorough the east, into Canada. There was one trapped in WVa recently that weighed in at 90 lbs !!!.....BTW the fellow who told me about the coyote also told me about film taken with one of those cameras you put on trails to see what's in the night -this was in OHIO and the film showed a mountain lion !!! Ohio is another state that says there are no mountain lions there !
Heck, according to a friend of mine, they're on Cape Cod now.

I doubt they shoot many out there in Taxachussets, though.

They are everywhere. If you have ANY trees in your yard, odds are you will have coyotes as well. And I highly doubt they get shot. The ambulances don't even use sirens in Falmouth because the noise disturbes all of the old people.
Not true, IndySIG. They were from west of the Mississippi originally. I don't know when the first ones crossed in, however, and I'd be interested in hearing about any early reported historical sources.

FWIW, there were NOT any around when I was a kid growing up ('70s) in the Tippecanoe/Benton County area (on IN's W border with IL, about 1/3 of the way down), and since Benton County was the most heavily agricultural county in IN, I would have heard about it.

Enjoy your snow, IndySIG (I just got off the phone with my littlest brother in Indy). :)
Not true, IndySIG. They were from west of the Mississippi originally. I don't know when the first ones crossed in, however, and I'd be interested in hearing about any early reported historical sources.

They've been here in abundance since the early 1900's (and probably a lot longer). I shot my first one in about 1954. They're most prominent in the Western counties. There's actually too many of them these days, both for their own good and for my family's chickens. You may not have been paying close enough attention in Tippecanoe County; I have no doubt they've been there just as long.
We had such a problem with feral dogs that they might have run the 'yotes out! :D Anybody else remember organized hunting of packs of feral dogs as a young'un?
Buckeye coyotes

We got em all round this town here in SW Ohio now. Most people never see them unless they are outside of town late at night though. Some hear them at night who live on the border of town faceing the farmlands and woods. Better start watching-this kind of weather drives em into town looking for food. Weird to see a mangy one trotting across the street in the middle of town in your headlights at night. Never heard of a coyote except in Disney shows about the far west when I was growin up. Who knows what else might be comin' in here next. Bigfoot might be knockin at the door.
Talked to my sister today - she and her husband farm in Benton and Warren counties - and she said that the state has a bounty on the coyotes again.

I told her that they ought to lay low for a while and let them take care of some of the white-tailed "field rats" first. Man, I've never seen so many deer as they've got running around! :D
Coyote in Indiana

A gun dealer I know north of Fort Wayne says he has killed 9 since he built his house 12 years ago. Shoots them from a second floor window at 200 - 250 yards with a 223. I saw one a month ago eating carrion at the roadside during the day and there were two on a neighbors porch last spring. They're getting to be quite a bother and even some of the Amish farmers are carrying guns out when doing farmwork. Never thought I'd see that.
hunt em

the only way to deal with coyotes and keep your cats safe is to get a .243 loaded up with light bullets and a coyote call when you see that big dog pop out of the bush 200 yards away with his two buddies i swear to you youll think your heart is going to jump out of your mouth
More Coyotes

My son lives northeast of Lafayette, IN about 25 miles and has coyotes. I live in Auburn and have them around here. I have seen them within half a mile of my lake cottage (soon to be my retirement home) west of Wolcottville and a workmate has them near Columbia City. My daughter was at the cottage last spring early and saw a couple on the neighbors porch. :( I'd guess they are prolific in central to northern Indiana. Sad thing is the fox population seems to be going down some and I don't know if that is related to the surge in coyotes. All I know is if I see them I'll shoot them. :D