Any Ft. Leonard Wood hunters?


New member
I am looking into getting established with Ft Leonard Wood for hunting later this month. The intent is to do some hog hunting through the summer since its open year round on post, and possibly some deer hunting in the fall, but am looking at closer deer options.

Any insider advice on hunting at FLW?
What do you mean by "closer deer options"? I had no idea they had hogs on Leonardwood, I used to visit that post yearly while in the MOARNG, firing "crew serve weapons".... Is it open to the public or only active duty?
Hooligan, according to their Outdoor Rec folks, they've got hogs. I'm active duty, so getting on posts is no problem.

As for deer, I am considering hunting for deer there, but since its ~3 hours away, I am trying to find some closer deer options in the Lincoln, St Charles, Warren, or Pike counties.
Fatwhiteboy, that must have been a real pain. What kind of plane were you jumping out of?

My Dad did basic there in the late 60s. I offered to take him over there during a visit last year. He didn't want to go back either!
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C130- took off from Ft Chaffee, Ark. Exited the aircraft, saw the inverted L in pots, did a 360 to check for other jumpers, when I came around no more inverted L. The sky was pitch black so I started counting. At what I thought was the appropriate time, I leaned forward to release my ruck. At that time, I hit the ground face first. The next day I came out to collect my gear and saw the poison oak. 6 guys on my stick had broken ankles/legs.
That's the place, Mark!

I've driven by it a couple times on the way to Sportsmen's Mecca, Bass Pro HQ in Springfield. My wallet understands misery there! ;)

So no FLW hunters on here? I'm trying to get an accurate gauge of the hog problem and places where people have seen them.
According to their Sportsmens Services, the hogs are back, and supposedly in force. I've read the limited online resources, and found little. Hence, I was looking for TFLers who are currently hunting over there to gauge if they really are as prolific as claimed, or not. And if they are, are there some particular training areas that might be holding significant numbers. The lack of responses makes me think we don't have many folks over there.

Guess I'll go put boots on ground and figure it out.
I used ride ATVs with a group of fellas from St.charles. I asked them about hogs back in August when I got the Gun Bug and was thinking of buying either an AR or an AK (a buddy suggested to me he would go with the AR as he did as he planned on hunting hogs in Arky and TEXAS with it). So I asked My Hillybilly friends down in St. Charles and they said they are few and far between. Locals released a bunch trying to capitalize on the new Hog rage sweeping the nation. Local farmers have kept them in check. There are some wineries around there that do their fair share of killing them and trying to find out who is releasing them to prosecute them.

Good luck.
Redbull, thanks for the input, but St. Charles is over here by me. FLW is about 3 hours away, West and South. About like comparing KC hunting to Springfield.
Globe, I just reread what I posted, St Charles is up by St Louis. I have ATV ridin buddys up there too.

What I meant was St James./ Rolla area.

We used to ride over south of the fort till Conservation area closed it off to off road users. :( Some jackwagons were riding up and down the creeks/rivers tearin it up and ruined it for everyone.

We now ride down by Suttons bluffs. One of those buddys built a nice cabin (his wife and himself, damn structural engineeres think they can it all :D) that has great excess to the trails. Down there the miners and loggers cleared out all the hogs. and darn near all the deer too. He hasn't pulled a decent deer from the area in 20yrs he says. I was thinking about Turkey hunted down there (never been but been getting the itch to use my shotgun for something other then trap) but he says good luck as he hasn't seen one in a couple yrs. He could just pulling my leg too to keep all that precious ground to himself.:D
I've been hunting wild hogs on and off since 2001 in an area about 11 miles southwest of Fort Wood. They are pretty hard to keep track of and hunt. They will be thick in a certain area for a while and then they will suddenly disappear and move to another area. The woods in that area can be thick and a landowner may have a large number on his property and never know it.

The only was to find out where they are is to ask landowners if they have seen wild hogs on their property.
Freakin ft lost in the woods in the state of misery? that place run away fast...

If you grew up in that area, you love it there. Wish I could go back, but alas, my wife didn't grow up there....