Any double barrel shooters or collectors out there ?


Greetings from Texas. I've followed this board for a while now, and realize that the theme here is largely the hand-shucked pistol-grip home defense gun with laser sight, the autoloaders, plywood shooting and barnyard flechette loads. It all makes for interesting and entertaining reading, but does anybody like double barrel game guns?
Who among you has the love for a Fox, Parker, Lefever or other American classic?
After years of birdhunting, and wearing out two autoloaders, I discovered double guns and the experience has been very rewarding. Every hunter should have the chance to take a fit game gun afield. So, who out there likes the oldies? Thanks, OL

If a picture is worth a thousand words, have a look at The Gun Works at:

This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future! - Adolf Hitler, 1935
Thanks for the pics, OL, but I have to admit it left me with a bad case of the covets(G).

Bakers, Elsies,Foxes, Parkers, even one of Uncle Dan's masterpieces. Wow!!

There's an old thread here about building a Lupara that I started, you might enjoy it.

And while I love doubles, as long as both Wife and Daughter are in college, I'll stick with the shotguns I have.

One disagreement, I see few people here now advocating lazers and PGs. Progress(G)...
The SXS is the most well balanced, shortest overall comfortable gun I know. I O/U is more faddy but the SXS is prolly the best if you can get over firing more than 2 shots.

Many times I have busted 25 straight with an 18" riot gun SXS and had guys with their benellis, berettas, shooting vests, patches, etc. pack up their stuff and go way

One guy told me you do pretty good with that coach gun, son. :)

o I raised my hand to eye level, like pointing a finger, and fired. Wild Bill Hickok
My first hunting shotgun was my grandfathers 12 ga. double LC Smith.

Great old gun and I still have it.

But for now I'll stick with my A-5 and Super Black Eagle.

I inherited two 20 gauge L.C. Smiths, a 20 gauge Fox Sterlingworth, a SxS Antonio Zoli 20 gauge, and a Winchester 21, 12 gauge. Yes, I am truly blessed. I'm glad you broached the topic- all the pieces mentioned so far are heavenly.

semper ubi sub ubi
Greetings Oldlightning,
from Buffalo, where despite the best efforts of true American heroes the vote count went to Admiral Rodham-Yamamoto! Well, every Pearl Harbor has its Nagasaki, que sira sira (or something like that ;). And it looks like your good friend from Texas will sweep out the accumulated social refuse currently residing in America's first home. Sadly, New York State has not done its part :(

Well, shotgun-wise I am the proud part owner of a Berreta 686 Onyx. I own 80% and the store still has the 20%... a beautiful firearm...and she is almost paid off... I am happy to see you here and not out sweeping the streets in your "roadhunter" pick-up. The armidallos are probably dancing besides themselves with joy.

BTW, are you a REDNECK? ;)
I'll vote for the SXS doubles.
I usually hunt my birds with a Browning sbs 26" barrels. I've got one in 12g and one in 20g.
My grandfather's old Parker went to my cousin. as far as I know he has never hunted or shot, but so far he isn't interested in selling.
All though I don't get out in the field much any more, my pride and joy is a little, 6 1\4 lbs, custom made 20 ga. Splinter forend, double triggers, improved right, modified left. Sidelocks, and nice wood, complete the picture, what a joy to shoot and carry. Was made in Spain by Artuo Zabella in the mid 60,s. The man knew more than a little about making nice double guns.

My taste in doubles leans toward O/U's (obviously from my username). However I was almost seduced by a neat little Parker 20ga that someone else bought before I could get back to the gun shop :(

The old american made doubles are getting harder and harder to find for reasonable prices. Have seen a lot of junk and abused guns going for way too much money. Unfortunately I have no older relatives with heirloom guns so unless I get real lucky I will stick to my K guns, one of which I am still paying for;)

There are a couple of neat little shops in the hudson valley that stock mostly fine doubles, I hang out there way too much. :D

Geoff Ross
I've got a couple in the safe -- an recently made Arrieta 12 game gun and an older V. Sarasqueta live pigeon gun. Both guns are sidelocks and are giving good service. The Sarasqueta is very tightly choked and is deadly on late season, long flushing pheasants.

Vertical guns include a Krieghoff Model 32 and a Beretta 682.

[Edited by PJR on 11-18-2000 at 10:52 PM]
I do enjoy carrying two barrels afield after pheasants. My shooter is a Win Model 101. I'd like to get the Model 101 and Ruger Red Label in 12, 16, 20, 28 into my collection as I've always enjoyed shooting these guns.

Nice photos and a nice collection!
Pumps and autoloaders are great for the duck
blind,clays,and tactical/defense needs.....
But a side by or o/u will always accompany me
on a bird hunt.
Call it snob appeal, but there's something about
the look, the feel, and the handling that definitely
adds to the experience; especially if the gun has been
I grew up shooting an old JC Higgins 12gauge double barrel SXS.I have owned and shot all kinds of shotguns, but my favorite for hunting has always come back to the SXS double.I have an old LC Smith and a Winchester 23, both 12 gauge.There is something about the expeirence of shooting a Good SXS perferably with auto ejectors and double triggers that can't be matched with other shotguns.If only my Win 23 had double triggers I would be in hog heaven.I grew up shooting double triggers and I still prefer them.As Elmer Keith once wrote in his book SHOTGUNS BY KEITH,When compared to a fine double SXS any thing else looks and handles like a pregnent bullpup.