Any current production rifles in .500 S&W


What's my best bet for acquiring a rifle chambered in .500 S&W? Other than the Encore Pro Hunter single shot from Thompson/Center, are there any currently produced rifles chambered in .500 S&W? I know that NEF briefly took a stab at it but I haven't had any luck in tracking one down.

What about the Thompson/Center rifles? I've never been able to examine one so I can't speak to their quality but people around me that claim to know about such things consider them to be massively overpriced.

All polite comments welcomed.
I've been hearing tall tales about that Bighorn lever action for some time Magnum Wheel Man but my sources say it's been stuck in development hell for years now. Prototype version have been shown around and some deposits have been accepted but little if any actual production has occurred. It's entirely possible that I need to find better informed friends.

The price is scary high but it m-i-g-h-t just be worth it.