any competitions near south west wyoming?


hey everyone, im new to this forum, so i hope im posting in the right place.
I have competed in 4-H shooting sports from age 9, competed every year at the wyoming state shoot, did well enough to qualify to go to nationals 3 years in a row, when i was 16, 17, and 18. but sadly, at age 18, you can no longer compete in 4-H. I live in south western wyoming, and would like to continue competition shooting, i absolutely love it. but, i dont really have alot of time to travel, im about to get a job in law enforcement. i was wondering if any of you knew any competitions near my area. any type of shooting, in 4-H i competed in air rifle, .22 rifle, air pistol, .22 pistol, muzzeloader, shotgun and archery. thanks alot guys