Any alternative to Magic Dots?


New member
I'm right handed and left eye dominant. I've seen the Magic Dots online but I'd rather not pay for the different colored dots that I'll never use as I would like them all in the gray or "clear" color.

There has to be other choices but I can't find the correct verbiage for an online search. Any help would be appreciated.
Can you post a pic of one of them, I'm lost.:confused:
Do you mean the ones you stick on to force the other eye to be used?
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I do not truly have cross dominance.What happens with me,after 30 years of machining,and a whole lot of touching off cutters,I got sort of ambidextrous eyed.Figured that out from missing everything with a shotgun.When I put a shotgun in front of my right eye,the left eye took over.
A solution that works for me(maybe not you) is to let my thumb naturally stick up at the sky on the left side of the forend.It does the same thing your dot does.It gets in the way of my left eye,so my right eye maintains dominance.

Try it,see if it helps.
Having something on my lense drives me batty.I might rather learn to shoot left handed.

For a dot,I wonder if dry erase whiteboard marker would work.On glass,it would.Plastic,might be a danger of harming the lense.
Another option,go large.Like a WW2 blackout vehicle headlight or an Eskimo anti-snowblind hand made slit sunglasses.Put a horizontal bar of tape across the whole lense that you can peak over the top of.

I get eyestrain crosseyed crazy with a spot or a gob of Vaseline on my lense.
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try using a piece of the fuzzy Scotch tape, or even a small dab of Vaseline or similar. You don't want to block the vision, just force your eye to do other things.
These things that stick on your glasses. I asked them if I could get just the gray ones and they said they come as a kit - I don't need all of the extras.

2 ideas for you.

Scrounge a bit of window tint film from the local "hot car guy". It sticks on with just Windex. It comes in several different darkness % as well.

Buy a pair of clip on sunglasses & remove one lens.

I am right handed and left eye dominant. I shoot everything with my left eye closed. I won my fair share of combat pistol, skeet, and trap matches. Even doing SWAT training, I used one eye when shooting. As of when I quit SWAT, I had the fastest building clearing time of over 400 SWAT officers who had shot that course. Not sure if time has yet been broken. Said all that to say this, many times it actually works better for someone cross eye dominant to shoot with one eye open. I will have to admit that I do shoot a bit of gangster style when shooting pistols while moving. That might be due to shooting one eye open.
I use the thumb sticking up method to eclipse my left eye from the sight also. Works great. I am right eye/hand dominant but I wemt through a period when my right eye was strained and didn't focus well and this cured my shooting ills.
The different colors are for different color lens . the Dots are used a lot in the shotgun sports . Tape and other stuff work just as well but the right Color dot can not be seen by others ? I still have some in my bag but no longer need them .
When I was shooting alot of skeet years ago closing the left eye at the end of the day left me with a headache. One of the old timers told me to put a big greasy thumb print in the enter of my left glasses lens. Like magic I could shoot all day without closing the left eye and the eyestrain went away. It did not make any noticeable change to my scores but certainly had a positive change in my enjoyment.