Any advice on Night Vision Thermal scopes?


I have been interested in attaching some night vision scopes for my crossbows, especially for when it gets dark, and I just want to make sure that I am able to aim to my target, and get a good angle on him, even when it is dark. I have been able to do some research on good brands, but when I checked on reviews, I am getting very mixed reactions about the thermal/night vision scopes I am interested in. I want to entrust my question to you all, who have a lot more experience, and years to help me out here. What I really am looking for is a thermal/night vision scope that will be reliable and able to function like how I expect it to be, when I want to use it.
Hunting at night is illegal in most places. The places that do allow it usually require a special licence. Some places do not allow IR devices for hunting either. Read your local hunting regs first.