Any 9mm WinMag owners?


New member
Any 9mm WinMag owners here?
Here's my AMT AutoMag III in 9mm WinMag (9x29)
One of these days I'll meet another owner... They HAVE to exist! I know of ONE, but then again, I sold him his! Mine was the last one to leave AMT's doors. I bought it off the warehouse shelf back when I had my FFL. :cool:
Last Loaded ammo I found was $5.00 a round! However, Starline makes brass for it and you can use standard 9mm projectiles. For dies you can use 9x19 or 9x23 dies although I got a set of true 9mm WinMag dies from RCBS. Loading data is available but hard to find. If I find any other owners, I'll be glad to give `em all the data I have. I am pushing a 147gr JHP @ 1,400fps or so right now.

It's a great conversation starter at the gun shows. I often work the VCDL booth and leave it and a single bullet out to draw folks over for a peep.
Yours looks exactly like the one I have.

Bought mine from a fellow cleaning out his gun safe to make room for other stuff he liked more. He bought it new and forgot about having it.

It's new in the box with all the paperwork. Also got about 200 rounds of virgin Starline Brass with it......and found a set of RCBS dies on fleabay for reasonable price.

Since no one mfgs ammo for it anymore......I hooked up with Mike Cook of Pacific Coast Cartridge and he loaded up 100 rounds for me. He loads current or obsolete production ammo on a by order basis. Think the 100 rounds was about $45.00 shipped. The ammo was made up to my load spec - a medium load w/hp bullets for garnered off another website w/loads for the 9mm win mag. The rounds came with a complete computer printout of ballistics for that particular load - primer, powder, bullet.

Still haven't fired it - but a gun without ammo is like a car without gas. :-)
I used std 9mm Luger dies for years until I got a set of RCBS dies. Funny thing is, the RCBS sizing die doesn't side the neck down far enough and I wind up doing a final sizing with... the old 9mm die! 9x23 Largo or Winchester dies work well to. Nice to hear of another 9mm WinMag owner. That makes 4 of us that I have EVER known and one of them is the owner of my "spare" AutoMag III! :D
That is really cool.....and nice pics. One of these days will get a digital camera and take some of my AMT's.

Most people never heard of the 9mm WinMag.

Nice to know there are a few out there. Sadly, have never been able to find out how many were actually produced.

I sold my reloading stuff some time ago but bought the dies just 'cause. Did you get 4 dies in your RCBS set? Someday, may do the reloading thing again. Buddy has a Dillion set up so get him to do it for me! :-)
Same here... I even called them back when they were in business in California and I bought mine. I don't know how you could find out now unless the BATFE would be nice enough to tell us how many were sold based on the forms they had to turn in when they folded shop. FOIA maybe? We don't want the names or any other id, just a count.
It was a 3 die set I believe... I'd have to go down and count them. I used them twice in the last 5 years. I load a few hundred at at time and don't shoot that many as that gun only comes out for fun.
I have an automag III in 30 carbine with an extra 9mm mag upper. It came with some loaded ammo, vintage unknown. I have not installed the upper on the gun so it has not been fired by me.
Here's another 30 Carbine Auto Mag III:

There are some reloading issues with the 30 Carbine in the Auto MagIII. The brass can be too short and fail to fires can be a problem. Best accuracy is with pistol primers and COL is critical for best accuracy. But I love mine. It has taken several coyotes and drops them pretty quick. I'm using the Speer 110 gr Varminter HP bullet so it has a lot of exposed lead. Bullets from coyotes are picture perfect from 25 yds. Groups of an inch and under at 25 yds are the norm for this pistol. While I've never put a trigger gauge on it, it breaks around 1.5-2.0 lbs like glass.
reload data

I purchased an automag III in 9mm Win Mag. I've ordered the dies from Midway. I have a 1000 new brass from starline but no reloading data for the round. If anyone has any I would appreciate it.
I have plenty and posted them over at
I will post them here now that there is an interest.

9mm Win Mag Loading Data.txt

9mmBalisticInfo (covers all 9mm cartridges for comparrison)

9mmWinMag.doc (Word Doc with case deminsions) (contains AutoMagIII.pdf and 9mmBalisticInfo.html above)


AutoMagIII.pdf (AutoMag III .30 Carbine Manual, used for 9mm WinMag as it didn't have it's own manual as far as I can find. Mine came with this manual.)
Nice gun, tough to grip

Yeah, I'm still waiting to fire mine. It sez IAI on the side which means it was made '91-'92. I have fired the .30 carbine version and I would like to own that one too. Dunno the name on the side but that doesn't matter. I had a shot at 2 boxes of IAI ammo for the 9mm WM but passed it up cause it was $80. Kick myself for the rest of my life. Glad to see some other folks with this gun. I've rarely seen brass at gunshows and never loaded ammo. Hopefully it just stays rare and doesn't pass into oblivion. Thanks for the forum and the thread.
welcome to TFL

Welcome to TFL!

If you check the date on the last post in this thread, you'll see it was about a dozen years ago.

Feel free to start a new thread about your gun(s).