Anxious for Turkey Season...


Hey everyone... I am fairly new to turkey hunting. I participated both spring and fall last year in CT. I hunt on about 65 acres in a very densly populated area. To make a long story short, my hunting partner and I heard lots of turkey during spring... but could never call them in. I wanted to know if you guys recomend any books, videos, or other forms of media to help me call in a tom.
The best way is to go to your local farms supply and buy a couple of baby turkeys and raise them until Thanksgiving. Listen to the hens at various times of the day. The hens have a variety of calls, most of which can be re-created using a simple slate and striker call. I did this simply because I could (little 8 arce piece of property)

The next best alternative is to download turkey calls from the internet (try and listen to them. I downloaded calls onto my son's old iPod and added an external speaker. Works great where electonic calls are legal and equally as good for practicing.
One thing you have to remember is that if a tom (or group of toms) already has a mature dominant hen with him, he is going to be much less likely to come to your call. That can make for a frustrating hunt. One of the ways to help overcome that is by using a couple of hen decoys (or one hen and one tom decoy). Hens can get just as territorial as the toms and if they see a strange hen in their area (the decoy), they may come check it out and give you a chance for a shot at the tom she drags along.