Antonio Zoli Golden Eagle???


Hello all,
I shot trap with a friend of mine earlier this summer and I am now hopelessly hooked on it. In the past few months I have gone from purchasing a Winchester model 1300 to start with, to a Savage 720 for nostalgia, to a Beretta 390 (helluva deal at a gun show) and today I got my first O/U in an even better deal. It's an Antonio Zoli Golden Eagle. I know squat about these other than apparently mine was made in 1966 according to the Roman numeral date code. And that's speculation as well. I'm not interested in selling it or anything, just curious if they are a decent gun. Thanks all!
Sounds Wop enuff to be a good gun! BTW i am a wop so I don't know if it is a racial slur 'er not!
As Brent indicated, Zoli guns are from the shotgun center of Italy. A well built, quality gun; but, they may be a pinch on the small size for larger American shooters. It's no surprise, like many Italian guns, they are sized for the average Italian shooter.

Compared to a Beretta, getting parts for a Zoli may be troublesome. Ask your LGS if they have a Beretta firing pin, than ask again about one for a Zoli.