Anti's trying to crawl North


New member
Well, apparently some of our Legislative members live too close to Mass. There are several bills going before the Judiciary Committee in New Hampshire this Wednesday, SB 419, 427 and 433.
SB 419 deals with the so called "negligent storage of firearms". The most disturbing part is how they want to reword 650-c:1;
"II. As used in this section, 'child', 'juvenile', or 'youth' shall mean any person under 21 years of age".
Last time I checked, when one became 18, you were considered an adult. Does that mean the military is run by a bunch of children? Do they have parental consent? Gee, I guess if they're considered 'children', I guess we'll have to change the voting age to 21 as well, no?

SB 427 deals with 'Saturday Night Specials' and 'junk guns'. They want to implement that asinine 'testing'; no malfunctions in the first 20 rounds, 6 failures in 600 rounds, 900 degree melting point, blah-blah-blah. To sell or transfer such a so called weapon would be a FELONY under this bill.

SB 433 deals with the furnishing of arms to persons under 21 years of age. Changes would be made to 'RSA 644:15, Furnishing Arms to Persons Under 16'.
They would like to change the age to 21. They would like it to be "Any person who shall sell, barter, hire, lend or give to any person under the age of 21 years any ammunition suitable for discharging in any pistol or revolver shall be guilty of a violation.
Now read the name of 644:15 Says absolutely NOTHING about ammunition, only arms. Duh, not too bright.
I thought stupid politicians stopped at the Mass. border, but I guess some of their ideas snuck across. Looks like I'll be writing to the Judiciary Committee, and attending the hearing at the State House on Wednesday. Fun, fun.

Times have changed, but the nature of man hasn't. That's why I always go to AA, "Alert and Armed". :)

Goes to show you that not all the asinine legislation is coming from the PRK, after all...

Please keep us posted....

------------------ the 2nd., for it saves us all.
No fate but what we make...
I have a friend living next door to you, so to speak, in Maine. He's mentioned that Massachusettes folk have been moving up there in considerable numbers. Sounds like the same is happening in NH as well. If so, they probably brought some of their politicians with them. Have fun! ;)

I just don't get it when people move to another state--presumably to escape the high taxes, bloated government, and high crime rate of where they have come from--only to try to turn it into exactly what they have just escaped. This is what has happened out West, especially in Arizona and Colorado. The first thing these folks do is vote for the same politicians and B.S. from back home and voila, the same mess. Why can't folks just leave well enough alone and try to preserve what supposedly attracted them to a new place to begin with?

Apologies for the rant--it's a sore spot for me.
Well, here's an update, as requested by Foxfire.

It was my first time to the State House in many years, and boy, was I in for a surprise.
Those in opposition to the bill far outnumbered those that supported it. Enough people showed up that they had to move us to Representative's Hall in order that all of us could be seated. They liked to intermix the speeches by those in favor and against, but even after all the supporters had spoken, there were 22 people that still wanted to speak in opposition.
Among the folks there today were Craig Peterson, Exec. Director (I think that was his title, either way the head honcho) of Gun Owners of New Hampshire, Ralph D'Amico, Co-owner of Riley's Gun Shop, one of the larger gun stores in the state, a gentleman who was both an FFL, and attorney (God, I loved hearing that! So much for hating ALL attorneys), a former DEA agent of 29 years, and many of us common folks (From suit and tie, to jeans and suspenders). It started at 10 A.M., and was still going strong at 2:30, and they had only gotten through two of the bills. Due to my not wanting my son to freeze outside after school, I had to leave. New Hampshire Fish and Game was on record as being opposed to all 3 bills. The attorney, formerly of Massachusetts, blasted the sponsors of the bill using the Mass. bill verbatim.
When I first walked in, I looked at one lady, and when I saw the word 'lobbyist' on her nameplate, I instantly thought "ANTI". Whoops, I was wrong! She was on OUR side! So much for first impressions.
All in all, I don't expect any of the three bills to go anywhere. If they do, I'll be giving my boy the key to the house so I can stay at the State House the WHOLE day.

Times have changed, but the nature of man hasn't. That's why I always go to AA, "Alert and Armed". :)