Antis take note


New member
Another tragic killing took place in Kalifornia the other day. A situation that might have turned out quite different had it not been for Kalifornia's restrictive gun laws. A young woman was being pursued in her car by her ex-boyfriend. The chase lasted many miles and ended south of San Jose, CA. when he forced her car off the road. He then got out of his car, approached her car and shot her 3 times in the head, finally killing himself. Consider how the outcome might have been different if Kalifornia allowed it citizens to carry a weapon for protection as so many other states do, and this young woman, properly trained in the defensive use of a firearm may be alive today. The antis refuse to take responsibility for their own protection. They want the police to protect them. Well, the young woman's ex-boyfriend in this story was the police. A policeman from Newark, CA. Now, just who is going to protect us from the police gone amok?
Women of America (and, the world, for that matter) - wake up, wake up, wake up! Find out how long it takes the 911 operator to answer. Add to that the average time it takes officers to arrive at your door. Ask yourself the hard question - do you want to die because you think you can wait that long if some bas**rd is trying to hurt or kill you and your children? And, don't forget - he doesn't need a gun to do you in. He can use his fists, a knife or a two-by-four board.

The poor woman in this story was killed by poorly conceived legislation - make no mistake about it. And, if you want to fall for the 'he'd probably take the gun away and kill you with your own gun' argument, then ask yourself when it was that you began to accept the idea that you are not only incompetent, but that you are also incapable of training and improving yourself. Quit accepting the idea that you should be and are a 'victim'. Fight back. You have a right to live, and a right to live without fear.

Every woman and every man has a God given / natural right to self defense. Wake up ladies! Your legislators are driving foolish legislation to a great extent because women are supporting gun control. The RKBA is, to a great extent, in the hands of American women.
For years I have asked the question:

Who will protect us from those who protect us?

So far, no takers from the antis.