Antiqueing a "58 Remington

Old Dragoon

New member
For Tinker2,

1.dis-assemble pistol. Put all the little parts and screws in a box with a lid or in a baggy (Bag and Tag) (so you don't loose the trigger spring screw like I just did)

2. clean everything with Brake Kleen and dry.

3. apply several coats of Birchwood-Casey blue and rust remover and wipe with an old clean dry rag until the pistol and parts are in the white (bright steel). clean with Brake Kleen and dry.

4. If you want to remove the touch marks from the frame and bbl. Draw file the bbl and frame with a fine flat file. Stone the areas with a fine stone to remove file marks. I place all info on the grip frame inside on the flats that are covered by the grips so someday an unsuspecting new collector will not be duped into thinking this is an old original. Pietta puts a touch mark and other marks there also.If I am converting to cartridge, this is where I cut the loading port in the frame.

5. Hand polish all stripped parts with 0000 or 000000 steel wool or 600 grit wet or dry sandpaper, use flat blocks on the flats and wrap the sandbaper around the blocks. in the rounded area wrap the sandpaper around something round that approximates the dia you are sanding.

6. Use Birchwood-Casey Plum Brown and follow the direction on the bottle. I oil between each coat and card the rust off. Clean with Brake Kleen and repat intstruction until parts are dark brown, not red. If it is red you don't have enough coats applied. Oil after the final coat and let cure overnight. Card a final time to remove the flakey rust patches.

7. I oil again and use the 600 grit wet or dry sand paper to remove some of the brown to get that well worn look.

8. this is optional, while I have the pistol apart I smooth the action. Tha is a post unto itself.

Grip aging.

1. I use the Ivory-Like Grips from (link in a previous post). They cost $33.50 including shipping. The grips are Lilly White when received.

2. Soak in lemon or lime juice (Real Lemon or Real Lime juices are good) and Apple Cider Vinegar overnight.

3. Dry

4.Heat with a propane torch to yellow. Carefully, as they will burn. They will crack also. A small (read light depth) stress crack or two adds class to the grips. Again proceed carefully as you can ruin the grips. Sand lightly with 600 grit w/d to your liking.
Excellent info! As soon as I can find some plum brown around here I'm going to brown up the new 58 that I stripped the finish off of a few weeks back. My Christmas list keeps getting longer.
Do you have a gunshop around that carries Muzzleloading supplies and Birchwood-Casey brand gun stuff. I'm sure Dixie Gun Works carries it. My local gun shop just got in a new supply last week. if worse comes to worse I can give you their number and they can send it to you. Wal-Mart may have it too , but in CA they just sell the permablue and blue stripper and gun oiletc. not much gun stuff at all as they do not sell guns in CA.
Low Key, You and Kevin need to meet somwhere and head for Dixie gun works for the day. Don't know how far away it is from you two but Tenn is only so big,Lol.

Old Dragoon, You did a great job on your "how to" post ! ;) Your Remingtons sure look good!
mike i am about 3 hours away from dixie.i bought a new grizzly 4x4 4-wheeler at abernathey's about 2 month ago and i was with in spitting distance but didnt have the time to go.i have plans on goin one day.i just ordered stuff to put together a knife from them and should be here today.cant wait!
Kevin, Just finished the big knife I have been working on for about 2 years whenever I felt like getting it out . Started out with a piece of steel 1/4"x3"x18", layed out the shape I wanted and started grinding it to shape. Then a lot of sanding the detail with a belt sander and the I cut a grape vine pattern on the back with files. Then it had to be heat treated ,polished and a an edge put on it. You can shave with this monster! Or you could build a fort :D

I bought a 600 Grizzle when they first came out. It weighed 780 lbs and not easy to get back up when you roll it. Way to much power and it really isn't needed unless you are going to race them. I sold it for $500.00 less than I paid for it with 100 miles on it:)
I had a 6 wheeler a few years ago and it would run curcles around a 4 wheeler anytime. You could go in water or land, up a 45 degree hill with 1000 lbs on it. It would turn on it's own access and just mow down anything in it's way.The guy who bought my house in St. Mary's ,WV wanted it so bad I sold it to him. I really have regreted that.

Cabelas opened a store here in WV but it's way up north of me, about 2.5 hours. I'm going up and spend the day this spring just looking around. It's there biggest store they have. They even have a wild life museum in it.
We have a local shop where they have some muzzleloading supplies, but I haven't had a chance to check to see if they have the plum brown. I looked at wally world last weekend, but no dice. They have the perma blue stuff, but I didn't want that since it would just put the black back on that I just took off, Lol! If the local guy doesn't have the plum brown, I may order it from dixie instead.
Mike, congrats on finishing the KNIFE! I bet thats one fine looking hunk of steel. I was plundering through my spare closet a couple of weeks back and found an old bowie knife that I stuck up there about 4 years back to rust up on it's own. It actually turned out pretty well and looks like its seen some action so I stuck it on by gunbelt...

It's something I bought several years back for camping trips, but it looks good with the 58.
I say use the right tool for the right job! :D If I ever run into one o them dinosaurs mike was talkin about and it can take 6 shots from the 58 and keep coming, I've got the blade to poke out his eyes with! And I can skin him out for dinoburgers when I'm done! :p

The knife does go good with the pistol though. Looks like a rig that some cowboy might have worn 140 years back. Whenever I get some plum brown, I'm going to hit the knife blade with a few coats and then take it back down with some 600 grit sandpaper so that hopefully it and the 58 end up with the same finish.
Mike, lets see a pic of your finished knife if you have one, I'm curious to see how your handle turned out.
Low Key, You bring up something that I have been wondering about. We all talk about the civil war boy's and the cowboy's carrying these revolvers but I never hear to much about the mountain man carrying them.We all know they liked there Hawkin in the early years but later on I have to think that they would have carried there 51 or 61 navy .36 or there .44 Rem.
I'll get a picture later today and post it here. Just made a case for it last night but I think I may make another case this winter.
I had a piece of 4x4 laying on the back porch of my shop so I decided to try out the knife and split the 4x4. It took two swipes to split an 8" long 4x4:D
Then I cut it up in smaller pieces like it was made of butter.
The knife doesn't look to polished in this picture but you can see yourself in it. I was going to use mastadon ivory for the handle but was told it's not strong enough for a working knife. Very brittle due to age so I used some very dark black walnut I had.
Now that's a knife! LOL
I need to look for a knife for my rig. There should be a gunshow in my area before Christmas so I'll go look around to see what might be available.
Well Guys,i Got My Green Mountian Blade From Dixie Yesterday And The Handle Blanks But Im Not Sure Where To Start On Forming The Handles?i Bet I Have To Go Thru A Few Pair 1st Before I Get It Right Cause Its My 1st Time.anyone Have Some Hints?

Old Dragoon
I started a new how to thread for you.
I'd be glad to Antique one for you.”

Thanks, I really do appreciate you going to the trouble
to post it and appreciate your offer to antique one
for me. I might just take you up on that sometime if
there is something that I can do for you.

I don’t have anything in the works now and I guess that
I won’t this winter. On the 21 of October, I was the
victim of a hit and run. Left laying, bleeding in the street.

I have a appointment with some orthopedic surgeons on
the 13 of December for reconstruction surgery for my
shoulder, upper arm, wrist, and hand. At this time it just
hangs by the flesh.

So anyways, I do appreciate you doing this. I am always
looking for new and/or better ways of doing things.
I do use the plum brown and like it. I am looking forward
to using the lemon or lime juice and Apple Cider Vinegar.
I think that I have the prefect test grip for it.

I did say that I really do like what your guns turned out like.

Happy Holidays
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I'm glad you feel good enough to read and write on this forum. Sounds like you'll be laid up most of the winter.
Keep reading this forum and we'll try to keep your spirits up. We can always resort to bathtub jokes.

Glad I could be of some help.

Hang in there, and I wish you a speedy recovery. Before you know it you'll be antiqueing one.
Keep his spirits up? Heck, he's keeping mine up! I'm still smiling every now and then when I picture climbing into his bathtub parts retention system!
Keep us posted on your progress,Tinker2. Oh, do you think a two or four pulley system would work best for lowering that top tub?