Antique/reproduction arms

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as someone who collects and shoots this class..... I guess that I am now added to a new category of "enemy of the people" only takes one incident to trigger this type of foolishness..... obviously, these politicos have nothing better to do with our time ........ what do you think???
I think the C&R guys need to get off their butts and start screaming like the rest of us have been doing for years.

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO
I am a C&R guy and every time I turn around.... I hear people like Fienstien saying that ALL GUNS should be banned ("the ownership of any gun, no matter the type, should be banned or licensed"... the ATF saying.. "we do not curently regulate nor track this class of firearm...blah blah blah" ... and then begin a case study for the DOJ or some obscure congressman who wants his 15 minutes of fame (these quotes came back from e-mails I sent....) I cannot seem to 'get a rise' out of my hunting, cowboy and civil war & WWII re-enacting friends when it relates to this issue. I have even talked to the C&R type dealers... they nod knowingly and then say nothing...(at least not that I can see) I search for possible methods to get them to listen, if not to me, to what is happening all over the place. Sigh........ after 22+ years of being inmersed in the "gun culture" (the U.S.Army & Marines) and then being thrust into the 'civilian' arena... I am a greybeard who does not seem to have a clue as to what is going on in America today.........thanks for listening.....

Patriots are not revolutionaries trying to overthrow government. Patriots are counter-revolutionaries trying to prevent government from overthrowing the U.S. Constitution.
Welcome to the fight! Bring your friends and pack a lunch, it's gonna be a long one.

I have a few C&R types (former WWII reenactor), but no black powder stuff. The only reason I can think of that WWII reenactors aren't getting involved is that they're afraid that the public will label them as a bunch of kooks who play dress up & cowboys & indians (in some cases, they'd be right - heck I was a reenactor once ;) ). Think about the backlash - most of the press I've seen on WWII reenactment has been positive, but imagine going to work the day after the press has run a negative story and put a picture of you in a German (or in my case, Soviet) uniform carrying - yegads! - an evil assault rifle! You get enough weird looks when people find out you do it.

I can tell you, some of the WWII era stuff has already been affected (machine gun ban, import ban, etc.). I was thinking about buying a black powder firearm or two, for the simple reason that they're not included in the gun control legislation. But I guess we're just one executive order away from that...
My apologies if my comment about C&R guys was taken personally. One of my users is a C&R, and he's just as steamed about the overall situation as I am.

I meant, those of us who have been fighting on all fronts have been trying to overcome apathy from the more specialized shooters: skeeters who think an "assault weapons" ban is fine, IPSC folks who think hunters are evil, hunters who say "no one needs (fill in the blank)."

Now that the niche shooters are being targeted, they're whining, when the rest of us have been screaming at them all this time to wake up.

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO
A couple of other groups who belong to the "they don't mean me" category are the shotgun people and a lot of hunters.

The duck hunters and the trap and skeet folks are often big bucks types who won't even belong to the NRA because they are "true sportsmen", who won't even own a rifle, let alone a horrible "assault rifle."

I know a lot of hunters who never heard of Handgun Control or the NRA, who don't know who their Federal or state representatives are, who have never voted and don't care to, who come out with garbage about how they will shoot anyone who tries to take their guns, etc. etc.

It is enough to make one lose his lunch.

Coinneach, I don't think anyone was offended. We've all seen that "It won't affect me!" attitude. And not just with the 2nd Amendment. Well, folks, the moment you think it can't happen to you, it can (and probably will).

Ask the class III collectors if the "you don't need that" crowd is for us or against us. Ask them who they're more angry at - the antis or the pro-gun crowd that sold them out. I can only hope a lot of the "Won't-ies" realize every gun law that gets passed is one step closer to their guns.

I know, I'm preaching to the choir.