Anti-Handgun Rally -- Today in Chicago

Mike Hotel

New to TFL, would like to start you all off with a sitrep from the Federal Building Plaza in Chicago.

About a week ago, I read a letter to the editor of the Sun-Times announcing a rally to be held at the Federal Plaza today October 19th. So, yours truly paid a visit to the Windy City to see for myself.

Here's the report.

Imagine several bus loads of Chicago inner city high school kids and their teachers with hand painted anti-gun posters (no doubt last week's art class project) packed tightly in front of a raised stage. The kids were obviously brought in (on a regular school day mind you) to raise the head count for the major network television cameras which were positioned front and center. On stage was a liberal bandwagon of anti-gun politicians including Dick DeVine (Cook County Atty), Jesse White (Secty of State), and even Richie "Adolph" Daley himself. Surrounding the stage front, back, and flanks was an array of plain clothes cops, uniformed officers, personal bodyguards, bicycle cops, suburban cops, and who knows what else (no doubt there were SWAT snipers positioned above the plaza). It was obvious that their orders were to keep this rally as one sided as possible keeping any pro-gunners far away from the honcos and TV cameras. Their presence also undoubtedly added to the mirage of police support for gun abolishment. The rally was organized by "Council Against Handgun Violence".

Guns this, guns that, guns, guns, guns. But not much was said about the criminals who commit the violent offenses. Nothing was mentioned about Chicago's existing strict gun control laws which prohibit ownership of handguns within city limits. In his usual inarticulate blurb, Richie "Adolph" Daley read from prepared text on the podium, only looking up to point into the camera lens. As if to lead this great rally forward, Daley's audio crackled and hissed as he raged his usual left wing diatribe. About to puke, I saw pro-gun posters being waved and headed over to join my fellow comrades.

Far, far away from the cameras, behind a pathetic plastic chain barrier, the "anti-protesters" (as defined by Chicago's finest who ordered them to stand there) waved there pro-gun messages. Posters reading, "Crime Control - Not Gun Control", and "Armed and Free", and "Born American - Gun Owner By Choice", waved to the kids and on-lookers. About a dozen people purposely behind the chain, "anti-protesters" each and everyone of them.

An attempt to acquire some of the anti-gun propaganda came to a screaching halt when the worker behind the information booth added a condition in return for the info. "You have to sign this petition and wear this little sticker (a politically correct anti-handgun symbol). Noggunadoit!

It was sad to see all those kids rallying for the abolishment of their own freedom, and not even knowing but one side of this liberal debate. At one point, the kids raised their posters for a camera man right in front of the pro-gunners, and one kid ran out pointing at the folks standing behind that plastic chain and said, "Its because of you that we have this problem". Blaming gun owners for the crime on Chicago's streets, blaming law abiding good folks for the crimes of thugs, drug dealers, and gangbangers. So sad it was to see that my friends.

Thanks should be paid to John Birch from Concealed Carry, Inc. ( ) or ( ) who seemed to be heading the pro-gun message. A shame to have been placed behind a pathetic plastic chain as if the good guys were somehow circus freeks.

Subtract the high school kids, their teachers, City workers on city payroll, and the hundreds of law enforcement officers, and all you had was about fifty rally attendees (mostly people on their lunch break trying to get a peek at Adolph). Our opposition plays dirty and they play for the cameras. This rally was a farce, a lie, a deception. But, then again, so is their message.
I read about this in the times the other day also. I am from the NW suburbs just outside of Chicago. I thought I read in the Daily Herald that they were taking kids from local schools as a 'field trip' day to protest.? Figures Daley would be there. Maybe next time they should hold their rally at the Cabrni Green Housing! :)
Daley repeats the deceptive message that "our children are dying". But he never admits these children are high school dropouts who make hundreds of dollars a day selling drugs on city streets, and get killed while fighting over turf, money, something they said, something they did, or just because they screwed up as a gangbanger. Seems to me to be a dangerous occupation, not some innocent kids getting whacked as they walk home from school.

Daley's corruption radiates in Chicago. Business does not get done without "contributions" being paid. While he attempts to disarm us all, he has one of the largest armed security details of any American big city mayor. All the while, crime rates have dropped to 10 year lows. Hypocrisy.

[This message has been edited by Mike Hotel (edited October 19, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Mike Hotel (edited October 19, 1999).]
I live in Joliet, so I guess I'm somewhat immune from the Daley machine. I guess I need to keep better informed of the local happenings. I'd have loved to show up Proudly wearing my brand-spanking-new HK USP long sleeve shirt, Colt windbreaker, and my shiny new NRA hat. Whenever I frequent any of our local gun stores I always make a point to pitch in a buck and whatever change is in my pockets to those buckets they all have to help defend the legal firearms retailers from Daley's lawsuit against them as well as the manufacturers. Hmm... Now that I think about it, I haven't gone window shopping in almost a week. Guess I'll see y'all later.
So I don't suppose the state auditor (or whatever the position is there in IL) would be interested in these allegations of government employees participating in political activity while on the public clock.

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789
I would like to call the a form of CHILD ABUSE.
If I was a parent and my kid was taken there to a protest... My oath before God - there would be hell to pay.
This is very angering. A student is a student - not a political weapon, sound bite, or back drop.

The PTA should be up in arms - but I suspect they are brain-numb by the media and worship the Boob-Tube.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
This was on the local news last night. These kids were LITTLE kids! I highly doubt they are old enough to even realize what is going on. I would be very angry also if that were my child. I just love the part how Daley said "Women you must get together to save the children"! Well Daley is getting a letter from me I'm pi$$ed. Did anyone else see that Rush's kid got shot last night also?
They also said that 536 people died from gunfire last year in Chicago, but failed to say how many of those were gang/drug related. I watch the news all the time and certainly do not recall that many people just getting shot. I will bet that 500 of those deaths are gang/drug related. But they sure did a good job scaring people, so sad!
Do you think we could form a separate country for these big city majors and their supporters so the rest of us dont have to support these clowns any more? Throw in the big city police chiefs too for good measure and all the big city politicos. The philosophy is "lynch the gun" and let the criminal walk". These people are beyond reasoning with!
What really sucks is that that all the politico-types here in Illinois have this absurd impression that Chicago is Illinois. Granted, Chicago is a damn big city, but there's still a hell of a lot of people in the rest of the state that get shafted when legislation comes up and the 80 zillion reps from Chicago and the suburbs completely drown out the voices of those from the rest of the state. For quite a few years now, I've been contemplating some type of mandate that, to some extent, seperates the metropolis from the rest of the state in order to lessen the impact of stupid legislation from and for the big city on the remaining populace. Illinois has tough gun laws because we also have Chicago. Take the big city out of the picture, and you would likely find a state with incredibly lax gun laws, since the majority of the state, outside Chicago, does not support gun control.
Maryland wouldnt be a bad state if we could kick out Baltimore City, Montgomery County, and Prince George County:all hotbeds of antigun politicos! form a new nation of all these sick metro areas and have Bill run them after he,hopefully, leaves office. Leave the rest of the country in peace and tranqulity.
Honest to God, my mom works in the Illinois DNS and she swears this is true:

DNS employees work at "Conservation Land" at the State Fair every year. Of course, Springfield employees like mom work every year because it's held in Springfield, but often they offer to let people from other parts of the state come in as well. Anyway, a lady in Chicago was asked if she'd like to work at the Illinois State Fair. She agreed enthusiastically and was warned she'd have to drive a state minivan to Springfield.
"Oh, that's fine!" she bubbled, "I've never gotten to go outside the state before!"

This is the extreme example but the truth is some people from North of about Aurora consider the rest of us rubes who are too stupid to want to live in their stinky, paved-over, gun-free initiative-free paradise


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Well we are working on a project to get us Pro - Constitution Americans together. We need to be better organized to oppose Propaganda like that! Email me if you want to be part of the IL branch of C.A.N. Read the post above for more info from SameShot!

Thanks and God Bless!
The right of the People to keep and Bear Arms takes precedent over any military force or police organiozation. The heck with Chicago, let their Police carry Makarovs and Llamas. Those firearms manufacturers who chose to deal with these marxists are making deals with the bearers of forked tongues. I bear no ill will against honest, hard working LEO's but the city of chicago is an enemy to Liberty and desrves no respect until their policies change.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."