ANTI-GUNS group founder GUILTY of firearms charges



Founder of Anti-Gun Group Pleads No Contest to Weapons Charges

Friday, January 18, 2008

LOS ANGELES — A former gang member who founded an anti-violence group called No Guns has pleaded no contest to federal weapons charges.

Hector "Big Weasel" Marroquin, 51, and co-defendant Sylvia Arrellano, 25, entered pleas Thursday for three counts of manufacture, distribution and transport for sale of an unlawful assault weapon.

Arrellano also pleaded no contest to machine gun conversion and possessing a silencer and acknowledged that the crime was committed for the benefit of a criminal street gang.

She was given until Tuesday to surrender for sentencing and would likely be sentenced to four years in prison, prosecutors said.

Marroquin attorney Patrick Smith did not immediately return a phone message seeking comment Thursday. No phone listing was available for Arrellano.

Marroquin was arrested in June at his Downey home following a nine-month investigation into weapons sales by the 18th Street gang, to which he once belonged.

Arrellano was arrested at a Cudahy home as a result of the same investigation

Marroquin founded No Guns in 1996, ostensibly to reduce gang and gun violence. The group received $1.5 million from the city as a subcontractor on anti-gang efforts but its contract was canceled last year after authorities learned that Marroquin had hired relatives, including his son, Hector "Little Weasel" Marroquin.

The son is an acknowledged 18th Street gang member who pleaded no contest in June 2007 to home-invasion robbery and was sentenced to nine years in state prison.

Ahhh, the irony

and hypocrisy
Marroquin founded No Guns in 1996, ostensibly to reduce gang and gun violence. The group received $1.5 million from the city as a subcontractor on anti-gang efforts but its contract was canceled last year after authorities learned that Marroquin had hired relatives, including his son, Hector "Little Weasel" Marroquin.

What a scam! 1.5 million, huh? Sounds like LA received a wonderful return on its investment of taxpayer dollars.
What a scam! 1.5 million, huh? Sounds like LA received a wonderful return on its investment of taxpayer dollars.

With all the guns he bought with that $1.5M, thats a lot of guns he took off the street that will never be in criminals hands
You wouldn't believe how many of these "anti-gang/community outreach" programs run by "former" gang members there are in LA. It's disgusting
This goes along with my uncle George's observation that the only folks who want to keep the county dry are preachers and bootleggers. :rolleyes:
Apparently not all the elitists .....

Are the stereotypical wasp liberal college educated upper crust snobs, any more than all the gun owners are raving redneck mass-murderers in waiting.

Just goes to show that while some people support "NO GUNS" what they mean is "no guns for you, guns for me". (or hired guns for me, in the case of the wealthy)

Kudos to the tireless agents of the government who discovered the illegal weapons violations. And more kudos to the tireless agents of the govt. who gave them 1.5 million taxpayer dollars to play with.

gotta love it!
Kudos to the tireless agents of the government who discovered the illegal weapons violations.

As long as they arent weapons violations committed by white "patriots" that case it is

"Death to the traitorous jack booted thugs who entrapped the innocent gun owners into inadvertent technical violations of unconstitutional laws":D

WildnyahhahaAlaska TM
I don't think this is a case of "do as we say, not as we do" or someone being two-faced or applying a double standard like a person that doesn't believe in firearms but ends up getting one to protect themselves from enemies they have obtained because of their stance. I think this is just a pure case of fraud and deceit. These people never had any anti-gun convictions. They just saw a chance to play a con and get some money.
Your right...all they wanted was to excersize their 2nd am rights...even criminals have those rights you kno
You're absolutely correct...and since the 2A is only the proclamation by the founding father's of an already existent "god given right" then even illegals and non-citizens should also have firearms. Maybe the border guards should be handing them out at the boarder. :D
and since the 2A is only the proclamation by the founding father's of an already existent "god given right" then even illegals and non-citizens should also have firearms. Maybe the border guards should be handing them out at the boarder.

God given rights don't extend to mexicans, dontcha know. Those illegal Irish guys can have 'em though:D

WildlookapoemAlaska TM
Hector "Big Weasel" Marroquin, 51, and co-defendant Sylvia Arrellano, 25, entered pleas Thursday for three counts of manufacture, distribution and transport for sale of an unlawful assault weapon.

Making weapons which are mean looking should not be unlawful, and that prohibition ensures that criminal gangs will trade in those weapons.
Uproarious, isn't it? One wonders as to what Los Angeles taxpayers might think, though I doubt that anyone asked or will ask them.
Where is the JPFO and GOA protesting this travesty.....

WildgunownersvictimizedagainAlaska ™

Maybe it's forward for a newer member like me to challenge somebody that's been on here but I can't leave this one alone.

That wasn't funny or even cute, Wild, you're just being divisive.

Use your head, man. The article is talking about gang members. Gang members deal in drugs, murder for hire, robbery.
So basically the city of LA sponsered a gang run by a fellow by the name of Big Weasel:barf:

they are so retardedly anti they throw money at anything anti-gun even when its run by criminals:barf::barf: