Anti Gun.

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How do you respond to the article bellow. Is it a waste of time responding to someone that has such anti gun views.

Trying to get link to work a sample of the article.

Guns have no real place in our homes any more. The protection argument just doesn't wash. While home invasion, rape and murder are scary, very real crimes, the murder of a loved one is just as likely when you own a gun. The stats continuously show that the most likely person to die from your gun is you or someone you know. Your children, your wife, your husband, your boyfriend, your girlfriend. ... n-shooting
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Swear I recognise that Manta49, it from The Independent this week following the Oscar Pistorious case?

EDIT - Drat, was close, Guardian it is.
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Well, I guess I agree some people shouldn't have guns. But do you know what? I don't recall the pro-gun people ever FORCING anyone to buy a gun.
That's a British paper. I'm tired of listening to foreigners trying to tell us what to do. The people of Britain forgot a long time ago what it means to be free men.They let their government take their rights away, well, that's ok, it's their country, their decision. They got the government they chose, now, they can live with it, but, don't try to tell me to.
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