Anti-gun video that is strangely interesting.

Not just a shop, but an entire town.

The video shows an illegal gun shop in Pakistan
How is this illegal when it's in Pakistan. These shops have been building firearms, for over a hundred years. Back in the 80's, read an article where it was not only a shop or two but the entire town specializes in all calibers of firearms, including anti-tank and anti-aircraft. These folks can literally take and old coal chisel and turn it into an AK barrel. They are amazing. ........ :eek:

As mentioned, it's an entire village/district and no one messes with them. ..... :eek:

Be Safe !!!
There have been a number of these shops. Khyber Pass as an area is famous for gunsmithing. Many of them work in the same little shacks they live and sleep in, crouching on the floor without a bench. A tremendous amount of work is done with just hand files and anything above a bench grinder is rare, although mills and lathes do exist. They make everything from cheap pistols to high end, blued FALs with gilded walnut stocks. I have even seen pictures of of them priming ammunition with a bench block and a small hammer :eek:

There was also a video I saw of some illegal gunsmiths in the Philippines who specialize in making guns with counterfeit factory markings that pass for factory guns. They make 1911s by welding large blocks of metal around a jig and drilling the holes to location, then hand filing. 3 of them working 8 hours a day or more will produce 5 or 6 guns a month. They're then transferred to the city of Danao. A friend of mine who moved here from the Philippines in college tells me that these handmade guns are widely known and are actually called danao after the city they are popular from.

There's also the pictures of the Syrian rebels creating platforms to mount captured aircraft cannons on the back of pickup trucks, and the bomb makers smoking in the basement next to live munition.
I don't understand the point of the video. Why do American Antis care what they make in Pakistan? It can't be imported to the US. And, because we have access to much better firearms, there isn't any market in the US for these weapons anyway. The video also tends to prove that its not American gun manufacturers and retailers supplying the world with guns!

On the other hand, illegal heroin is farmed and manufactured in Afghanistan. Illegal Cocain is farmed and manufactured in South America. Illegal designer drugs are manufactured in Mexico and China. All of these products are being imported into the US illegally, and no one is doing anything about the supply or demand for these illegal products.
I was doing business in the northern part of Pakistan in 1992-95 with Paki military and other government organizations there. After 1994, the weapons referenced were very hard to find, and there were stiff penalties for possession.

Even when a savvy local 'straw buyer' inquired on our behalf, the answer was a pretty firm no.
I don't buy the premis in the video.
It shows just how easy it is to make firearms?
If folks that live in caves can do it there then we can certainly do the same and more effectively in our garages and basements?
Makes for fine propaganda doesn't it?
Long ago I saw a full length documentary dealing with the same situation, I think during the Soviet period in Afghanistan. As I recall there was a centuries-old tradition of such activity.
We had a family friend who was a WW II-era officer and later toured MENA as an adviser or trainer. The details are long-lost but over his fireplace was a percussion rifle assembled from several 19th Century types, purchased in a bazaar in the late 40s or early 50s. It was cosmetically-rough but completely tight and functional.
The post does seem to prove the futility of gun control, especially with 3-D printing becoming a reality. Maybe it's to keep the hand-wringers from clamoring for an anti-war policy today.