anti gun registration statement?


I need some help, I recently (in the last year or so) read a quote I perhaps mistakenly credited to James Madison. The essence of the quote is : Any registration system whereby the federal or state government has the names of the armed citizens allows for a corrupt government to confiscate said citizens weapons and is therefore insufferable and reprehensible.
This is a very rough phrasing of the quote.
Does it sound familiar to anyone here? I know I read it in an article on the second amendment and the framers of the constitution, I have read numerous articles and essays on the topic and no longer remember where I found that one. I would really appreciate hearing from anyone who knows of it and where I can find it. Thank you very much.

99.8% of firearms have never been used in any crime! ( source FBI data on gun related crimes and survey research on gun ownership )

David L. Blackburn