Anti Gun Protest at Colonial Williamsburg TODAY


New member
Today at Colonial Williamsburg an anti gun protest was held starting about 3:00PM. We were touring Colonial Williamsburg and I noticed one individual with an anti AR15 sign made up so I watched where he went and then noted more people were all coming from the end of Colonial Williamsburg where the College of William and Mary is located and they walked down the main drag towards the Colonial Capitol building.

I watched them come by with placards made up which covered three headings best I could tell.

I estimated there were about 1500 protestors in all and perhaps 200 signs. About 1000 of them were college age, high school age and some junior high age. There were a number of middle age parents with them and some of them were carrying signs as well.

The signs covered three areas:

1. No guns allowed in schools at all. In short keep them “Gun Free Zones”.

2. Some said “Books not bullets.”, “No More”, “Enough is enough”, “Protect me.”

3. Third category was anti AR-15 which I estimated numbered about 50 all carried by middle age white males and a couple females. Many of the signs made no sense unless you already knew about ARs.
I only saw about a dozen minority protesters.

I watched them gather from about 600 yards away, did not hear any sound system. I found a good vantage point to photograph them as I figured they would exit the same way they arrived in a parade all together but for some reason they dispersed from the capitol area. I did not see any law enforcement at all so don’t know if they were ordered to disperse or where they went. I only saw about five signs coming back down the main thoroughfare they utilized after arriving in the area.

The most amazing thing was this one white female about 60 standing in front of the Colonial Magazine and she was handing out literature she had printed up herself. I struck up a conversation with her thinking she was with THEM but found out she was not and that she had just received her NRA membership card TODAY and she said she had a CWP and was carrying. The literature she passed out was the History of Gun Control and covered the main foreign dictatorships and how they disarmed the populace we have all seen before.
Thank you for the report. I live in Virginia, not far from Williamsburg. When I first saw your post, I though, oh God, not another [...] group [...] tearing down more of our heritage, monuments etc.
Thankfully that was not the case.
Want to see a organization that actually does something? Real life protection?

God Bless the NRA!

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An excellent reminder Carl!

Here's a little blurb from their site:

A National School Shield Task Force, led by former Congressman Asa Hutchinson, recruited a team of security experts and, in April 2013, issued an official report documenting a clear need to address school violence and recommendations on best practices in school security.

So this isn't something the NRA did just now, this is something that's been around for years. I do believe Dana Loesch mentioned it during the recent CNN Town Hall meeting in Florida but it didn't get much play.

If conducted on the National Park lands, the demonstration, to be legal, would have had to have been granted a permit by the NPS. There would have been conditions and stipulations as to time, place, manner, etc.

It may well have been rogue, ungranted, but allowed to continue simply to allow it to disperse without incident......path of least resistance. Or one may have been granted spontaneously by mgmt for the same reason.

I have no idea regards Williamsburg, jurisdiction and boundaries, and the amount of federally controlled land.......but the NPS requires a permit (in advance) in most instances, and has standard stipulations at most sites.
I wonder how many of these "marchers" have gone through the tours at Williamsburg where they discuss the citizens seizing the arms of the colonial governor to arm themselves against the crown. Much less the multitudes of 'state of the art assault weapons' hung on the wall of the governors mansion.

When I was there most of the colonial shops had the musket and kit of the minute man ready to respond to the call.
way back when

When I went, MANY years ago, the gunsmith/rifle maker shop was active and building functional BP guns. Don't know if they still do that or not.
The biggest irony is that in thier day the colonist grab their assault rifles which is what allows them to protest guns today. Do you think any of the protester realized that?