Anti-gun Mayors and McCain


New member
Of course, I was not surprised to see Obama and Clinton in this advertisement, but I thought McCain was trying to revive support from the NRA and those against more restrictions on firearms. I like that McCain is against the "assault weapons" ban, but it appears that he tries too hard to be a "maverick" and could do something unexpected in order to demonstrate that he is not controlled by the "special interest" (even thought that interest is funded and supported by millions of members contributing small amounts).

What gives?

Here is the video I saw this morning when watching Meet the Press.

That 30 second commercial is yet another reminder that John McCain has allied himself with liberals within this country. Anyone who votes for him hoping he will govern as a conservative is out of their minds with wishful thinking.
So we have John McCain appearing in a pro gun control commercial with the likes of Obama, Clinton, and Bloomberg...he's using the gun grabber lingo like a native...he's repeating the lies about felons using gun shows as a significant source of guns used in crimes...

...and people still expect that he's going to hold true to his word that he won't support a new "assault weapons" ban?

...and people still believe that he opposes restrictions on gun sales similar to those mandated by the Smith & Wesson agreement, an agreement with the some of the very Mayors he appeared with in this commercial?

You don't need to hold your nose to vote for McCain, you'd need to wear an E4 rated respirator to pull the lever for him.
Our choices this November are:

Door #1: Left-wing Liberal Democrat

Door #2: Centrist Liberal Republican

Our choices this November are:

Door #1: Left-wing Liberal Democrat

Door #2: Centrist Liberal Republican

Don't forget....

Door #3: Conservative Libertarian Party Candidate (Bob Barr)
McCain does want to make private transfers of firearms illegal.(With an exception for "family members")

I read his interview to the NRA. He tried to sound pro gun. The problem I had was his opinion on Heller--gun ok in HOME. Don't want an open carry event in DC. Guns for protection on the streets not OK.

Two groups of people fear law abiding citizens with guns.

Politicians and criminals. That's why they are against US protesting in DC with guns. Somebody might not get shot.

Criminals fear us because they might get shot.

Not one of the three want legal carry in DC. Can't handle the pressure.
McCain is actually the lesser of three evils. (Hillary, Obama, and McCain). His record on gun ownership is far from perfect, but it's a darned site better than the other two in all respects.