Anti-gun initiative in Utah


New member
Here in Utah, the antis are starting a petition drive to put a measure on the ballot that would make concealed carry illegal in schools and churches. (concealed carry is legal in schools and churches as long as you have a permit.)

Does anyone know if there is an organized effort in Utah to oppose this initiative? I don't want to see it passed!
Wow, this I cannot believe! I didn't know there was a state that allowed concealed carry in schools - but that is EXACTLY what we need. I'll bet $100 that there have been no mass public shootings in a Utah school. What on earth could be more moronic than this? 180 degrees from what is needed. Can't we learn anything from the lessons Israel has taught us? If anything, teachers need to be REQUIRED as part of their certification and training to carry concealed and be trained over and above the average CCW holder.

Let's see if we can come up with an email addy for the anti group, and treat them to the cherished "TFL Anti-Anti Email Overload"