Anti-gun illogic

If you follow the anti-gun crowds logic, the way to decrease the number of accidents caused by drunk drivers would be to decrease the number of sober drivers out there.

Sounds strange doesn't it. But when I put it that way, even my wife, who isn't a big believer in firearms, had to agree with what I was saying.

When are people going to wake up to common sense. I am for the defensive and recreational use of firearms. Any other use of a fire arm is either illegal or accidental. Crime is controlled when criminals are put behind bars. Accidents can be controlled through education and some common sense.

And yet, politicians not wanting to appear "soft on crime" pass worthless bills, that cost us our tax dollars and our freedom.

Well, enough of my ranting, Peace...
The logic is inescapable. If you outlawed autos, you simply wouldn't have any more DUI suicides.

Now, if you outlaw vehicles and then tell alcoholics that the only way to get a bottle is to use a car illegally, you would have a situation more analogous to that which we see regarding firearms.