Found this on the Anti-Gun Coalition of America (AGCA) discussion forum. Looks like the site has been taken over our pro-freedom friends, so if you're so inclined, hop on over and join the fun.
Why don't you gun @ssh*les go away...
From: Cindy
Date: 29 May 2000
Time: 21:42:43
Remote Name:
why don't you gun @ssh*les go away... Cindy 10:34 pm wednesday may 3, 2000 Why don't you @ssh*les just leave us alone, we look for a way to make a difference enlighten this world, raise our children as a village and promote peace. I have to differ with the view of the peacecenter here, I hope all of you are tried and executed because you own guns. This country will never see real freedom, real safety, real peace until all of you are dead. Look you have come to the peacecenter boards and attacked us with your stupid facts. Banning gun owners, violent movies, and newscasts that show violence will stop it. Each can't be effective without the other, it's a three tiered program and it will lead us to a safer world. Hitler appeared to have the right idea, he just did it to the wrong people. Shame he wasn't in America in 1776, maybe he would have rounded you up and the rest of us wouldn't have to be sickened by your mere presence. May you all burn in hell's fires as the peacelovers rule this earth. - End Quote
This board is located at
[This message has been edited by Big Bear (edited May 31, 2000).]
Why don't you gun @ssh*les go away...
From: Cindy
Date: 29 May 2000
Time: 21:42:43
Remote Name:
why don't you gun @ssh*les go away... Cindy 10:34 pm wednesday may 3, 2000 Why don't you @ssh*les just leave us alone, we look for a way to make a difference enlighten this world, raise our children as a village and promote peace. I have to differ with the view of the peacecenter here, I hope all of you are tried and executed because you own guns. This country will never see real freedom, real safety, real peace until all of you are dead. Look you have come to the peacecenter boards and attacked us with your stupid facts. Banning gun owners, violent movies, and newscasts that show violence will stop it. Each can't be effective without the other, it's a three tiered program and it will lead us to a safer world. Hitler appeared to have the right idea, he just did it to the wrong people. Shame he wasn't in America in 1776, maybe he would have rounded you up and the rest of us wouldn't have to be sickened by your mere presence. May you all burn in hell's fires as the peacelovers rule this earth. - End Quote
This board is located at
[This message has been edited by Big Bear (edited May 31, 2000).]