anti-everything groups...


New member
Can anyone do anything enjoyable in this world without being hounded by some type of anti-whateveritis group? Yesterday I went to a 4 wheeling site, and read where some group is trying to get all ORV's banned from public lands, then I went to an automoblie resto. site an read where some states are passing "clunker laws" and its stepping on their toes. Then i read where the RC Airplane flyers are being hasseled by town councils and such for "noise pollution".Do I have to mention what we have to constantly fight to save our gun rights? I could also mention the people who fly model rockets, and the fact that they may have to be lisenced to buy those little rocket motors.Remember 3 wheelers, and how they were banned because a few idiots were killed while riding them? Heck I own 3 and have not flipped on one yet! What is this country coming too? Must we rally for a ban on everything we dislike?
Pretty soon it seems that we will only be able to work and come home and watch what our government decides is acceptable to air on television. Oh, wait a minute, isnt that the same thing communist countries do? What is next, voting? I wouldnt doubt if that was done away with, with low voter turn outs and everything else they may think its not working and come up with a "better plan"..Cuz

You are probably right. The next thing that everyone will want to ban is voting. Most people don't bother to vote and usually most do not agree with the results. But, as long as they have their shopping malls and their dysfunctional TV shows, they don't care anyway.

I live in the beautiful NW and it completely shocks me when talking to someone, they say that they have never stepped foot in the woods, been on the mountains or put a pole in a river.

Save democracy, shoot a TV..........

I agree whole heartily. This country has become a nation of nothing but nose poking whinning crybabies. Not matter what you do these days anyone can come along and stick their nose in your business and feel that they have the god given right to do so. I was always bought up to go about my own business and not interfere with someone elses. This is the reason I would like to purchase about 40 acres somewhere so it could be fenced and posted, ALL Trespassers Will Be Shot on Sight.
But we still have the best country in the world as long as we don't let these maroons take it from us and ruin it.
Just my thoughts.

Help Stamp Out Gun Ignorance.
I have noticed an increasing tendancy for people to turn to the government for a solution to everything that annoys them.

Perhaps we should discuss why people don't have anything better to do with their lives but worry about what the neighbors are doing. The "hot" call on New Years Eve in the small Southern Illinois town I'm a part time LEO in was for illegal burning at 4:10 pm. We have a city ordinance that says yard waste fires must be out by 4:00 pm. So at 4:10 we get a call that someones fire is still burning. Naturally the caller declined to give her name.

It seems a long time ago, but I think it was my 7th grade teacher who taught that in our country your rights to do what you want to do went right up to the line that they infringed on someone elses rights to do what they wanted to do. Now days everyone seems to want everything their way. If a harmless activity "bothers" someone, then they feel they have a right to have the authorites stop that activity for them, so it doesn't bother them any longer. We have lost sight of the fact that that "line" where my rights interfere with yours is in most cases somewhere in the middle. Too many people now think that the "line" extends all the way to the other person. The respect for others rights has given way to "I can have it my way, that's my right!" We have a political leadership who caters to this simply because we don't have enough serious problems for them to solve, or the solutions to the serious problems are too hard. So to say they are doing something for the money we pay them, they see all of these complaints as opportunities to serve the people and make headlines.

When was the last time someone in government told a constituant "That's not a problem for the governement, that's for you to work out yourself."?

Cuz = on the $. Don't you forget the lawyers neither. The "burnt up lady with the hot coffee at Mac's," or you-name-it stupid person de jour. Litigation too is destroying our society as fast as our own complacency (& we do "allow" all this by "allowing" our Reps full sway).

Our country has turned into to a free-for-all in the most horrendous way - those that work hard & just want to be left alone (us) get to pay for it all & to watch (& still comment) on the lunacy - for the time being. The bills are coming due in a big way.

Someone mentioned in an earlier thread about cutting the Feds' funding to shut down their rediculousness. I wholeheartedly agree.

How to do that? I'm as much at a loss on that issue as I am on how to stop the gun-grabbing intentions that our country has bought into. Other than one-on-one confrontations, that as a single, individual entity, we are bound to come out on the short end, I don't see a massive "you can't do that to us" mentality.

I think CO, NM, AZ, UT, WY, MT, ID & WA ought to just tell the Feds to stuff it - we're now our own country & we kick out all the A-holes. Texas can come in too - always liked (some) of their attitudes.

Off my stupid rant ...
loknload- i always wanted my sign to read "any tresspassers will be considered moving targets an will be treated as such"...i think it has a good ring to it...
Robert41- I agree about the televisions...about the only thing I would watch besides TNN on Sundays was the Simpsons...then i seen the episode about the guns, and realized what type of msg they were selling to everyone, so now I watch TNN on Sundays or country music videos while reading a book.
Labgrade- if they create their own country, am i considered a citizen if my mom lives in Co.? btw- Ive been looking into jobs in the Siverthorne area...know anyone that needs a welder or a paper pusher of some sort?(keep in mind i can only type with my 2 index fingers, but i get about 35 wpm) :)

"What is steel to the hand that weilds it?" James Earl Jones
Hey! if your going to let texas in then let Missippi, Lousiania, Alambama, Georgia (excluding Atlanta, my have to split state in two).

Really, let's just kick out the PRK and the liberal states in the North East.

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"
Hey Cuz That does have a nice soundin ring to it. I like it.

Help Stamp Out Gun Ignorance.
Anti-Everything Groups! I'm against them! ;)
Part of the problem is that humanity is the Earth's cancer - an uncontrolled destructive growth.

We're just "populating" our way out of the quiet life of the past. Man's penchant for "organizing" only makes the power of our "representative" government increase as fast as (or faster than) our population grows.

When folks lived on 100 acre farms and ranches it was a lot easier to be free than when we live on 100 foot lots.
Labgrade mentioned lawyers, I've got a lawyer story for everyone. I happen to live in Illinois about 70 miles from Chicago. Not long ago a Chicago PD officer was gunned down and killed. A terrible thing for him and his family. I hate seeing that, who doesn't? But now comes his widow, she is sueing Ruger for making the handgun used in the crime because "they knew it would get into the hands of gangmembers..."
In my opinion, this should be thrown out of court, she should be charged court costs and her lawyer disbarred for bringing frivolous lawsuits to court. It won't happen, but it should.
I'd disagree only partially on the Cancer metaphor. Cancer cells are normal cells that go whacko and start taking more than their due, to the detriment of the host body.

Likewise, homo idioticus, often characterized by overdosing on the legal system for their narcissistic purposes, is a normal person who gets his grip on reality whacked out, thinking they are the center of the universe, and abuses the legal system to that end.

The problem is, the more rights you give to a special interest group, the more you take away from everyone else.


Whatever happened to Cincinnatus?
PoiDog I couldn't agree more but you know that will never happen because it involves one very important thing MONEY. As long as there is money to be made, no matter what the cause these things will continue to happen. I'm a firm believer that the drug war in this country will never be won because there is to much money being made, From the low life dealer at the bottom all the way up to our elite political elected officials at the top. Some where someone is making money and that goes for a lot of this other crap that goes on in this country
Bottom line Money Money Money and more Money
We wouldn't want to put our elite trial attorneys and judges, who I believe are to senile and stupid to rule properly out of work now would we? Hate to rant and I hate to flame anyone. But I believe these are some of the creul cold hard facts. No one has any common sense no more only the interest in Money. That dirty word just keeps popping up. :) Have nice day :)

Help Stamp Out Gun Ignorance.
Tell y'all what. When we kick the idiots' sorry butts outa The Real West, there'll be lots of housing up for sale. C'mon over! We might have testing in place pretty quick. Make your reservations now. ;)
You know? I wonder if we reverted to the lifestyle of the early 1900's if that would not cure the problem? Bear with me. In the early part of the 20th century, people had to work. I mean really work. Ditch diggers used shovels, not backhoes. Women washed clothes by hand, did dishes likewise. In plain English, people were too darn busy to worry about what other people were doing. Radio was bad enough, but the "boob tube" has been highly responsible, in my not so humble opinion, for the dumbing of America.
When I was gainfully employed, (now retired) I was constantly bombarded by my co-workers wanting to discuss the latest happenings on some stupid sit-com. Not the cold war, or the latest pecadillo of our elected officials, but what happened on Third rock From the Sun, or some other inane piece of crap.
When I think of what TV could have been, it's sickening.
The problem with the anti's is they have too damn much time on their hands.
Paul B.
sounds like a plan labgrade, but remember, some of that housing will have to be torn down to make room for the 15 ranges required in every town...and target backstops would be made from old television sets and campaign posters? Saturdays and Sundays would be mandatory days off from work, and by work i mean mowing grass, painting the house or any other "honey-do"! :)
Ya know..this could very possibly be a place I would move too!