Answer to Jordan.


Staff Emeritus
Jordan, I doubt that anyone on this Forum qualifies as a 'critter'.

Critters commit felonies and misdemeanors against persons.

So, unless you are a murderer, rapist, robber, burglar, kidnapper, wife beater, child molester or of similar ilk, you ain't a critter.

Thug, maybe. But that is a title to be carried proudly and is a topic for another time.

Lawdog: Thanks for your reply and clarification. To others, wondering what this is all about, reference a locked thread titled "Local LE Agency gone nuts".

If I go strictly by your definition: "Critters commit felonies and misdemeanors against persons." then, by a slim technicality, I am not a 'critter' after all. My saving grace being that "...against persons" part and I'm always relieved people recognize that subtle difference.

I DO commit misdemeanors and even felonies as a routinely as I feed my face. Mine are, like I said, victimless but that's immaterial to most. IMHO this is why all of us 'quasi-critters' are cautiously sceptical of Police and their actions.

It's a sad fact that, increasingly, clean-cut, honest work-a-day, conservative people are being marginalized into the fringe... and even to the point where they must choose between compromising their principles or accepting the title of Political Criminal. Thus I see the Police as the dangerous enforcement arm of this strategy. I begin to feel an affinity with recreational drug users, war protesters, bootleggers and the like.

I don't personally care for violent crack dealers, I do care HOW the Police raid his house. As a "gun nut", I'm only a few school shootings away from being demonized to the popularity level of a crack dealer and the next "no-knock" raid may go down in MY living room. That's scares me!
As a Quasi(for the time being) Critter- I CARE that police recognize the Constitutional protections afforded even to unpopular criminals!